🧾 Sun | Double Down

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You only have 15 seconds left to live. Oh no! Give us your best pitch for your story during that time!

Looking for bittersweet writing that revolves around mental health and recovery? Forever June, my diverse poetry collection, is for you! It's also an August Editor's Choice pick — check it out :)

What was the best comment you ever received on your story? Give their username if you can!

pomalo_'s comments are genuinely so sweet; here's an excerpt from one: 

'seeing June's development over each of the chapters was one of the most beautiful experiences ever. seeing him drowned in grief and regret, then slowly coming out of it, until he finally moved on and learned to love himself – i rarely see such well-crafted character arcs. i fell in love with June in a way i cannot label, and i know i will come back to this book again and again just to see him grow again and again.'

What kind of writer do you strive to be? Someone whose works bring lots of joy and laughter? Someone who can write the most beautiful prose?

I won't say I want to be a writer that everyone can relate to. For some, my words will remain as little black symbols on a screen, but for the right readers, I hope my vision can bloom into something whole and fiercely alive. I want to write the kind of ageless prose people come back to over and over again. Free-flowing, intricate stories most accurately reflect my style.

What are some fantastical dreams you have for your work? A movie adaption? With which actors? Fanfictions? Wiki-page?

I would love to publish my poetry in a chapbook and direct a movie based off my latest mystery novel (Double Down). I'd definitely read every fanfiction, lol.

What was the silliest thing you've ever done in order to help with your writing?

I ate a slice of avocado with a mixture of mustard and ketchup (10/10 would not recommend)

Name some people on Wattpad that you feel have helped you on your writing journey. Or, who are some Wattpad authors you personally look up to?

annasteffeydestaciavhentii, and qixing are some amazing people on Wattpad! clarifications's prose touches my heart, and julixtta's poetry always resonates with me — I love all their works!

If you have any final remarks, leave them here!

Thank you so much for this opportunity, Grendel! Love you lots :)

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