🧾 Moon | Komoreby

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1) Tell us a little bit about yourself and who you think would love your story!

I'm a nerdy oddball living in many fictional worlds, especially in the realms of sci-fi, fantasy and supernatural horror. For me, storytelling takes several forms, since I'm also an artist and animator. I love binge-watching anime, stalking science channels and playing video games (mostly indie games these days). The rest of my time is spent on volunteering for good causes (especially related to sustainability and plant-based food advocacy for a better future). 

 My novel Komoreby is hard sci-fi meets shoujo anime! That would be of interest to YA lovers, anime fanatics and nerds! Asian-ness is woven into the book—food, school life, shadow education, culture, even a Buddhist forest monastery in the later chapters. The story would also appeal to those who are into cute, slow-burn romance (with shoujo/Kdrama vibes). And gamers are going to love the MMORPG I created for this story with in-game scenes! 

 Delving into niche elements...Komoreby celebrates rock music with an actual concert scene and an original song! Goths would appreciate the protagonist's fashion sense. The story would also interest readers who care about climate change and sustainability, as well as vegans and vegetarians. In fact, vegan characters are so rare that Komoreby's protagonist Evanna Zeller is listed in Wikipedia!

2) What are some things that helped inspire your story?

This story is my passion project for a reason. It has many inspirations and influences, which are manifested in the diverse range of themes and elements. I'm from Kandy, a city in the central hills of Sri Lanka, which influenced the conceptualization of Komoreby and its society. Some of my own experiences and those of people around me have inspired certain events in Komoreby. 

 I have been inspired by amazing authors, including writers of hard sci-fi, such as Arthur C. Clarke, Stephen Baxter, Peter F. Hamilton, Alastair Reynolds, Carl Sagan and more. Hard sci-fi is amazing, but not often incorporated into YA novels. I gave my unique touch to the idea of parallel universe with real science and a particle collider—which required extensive research. There are other mindboggling science and futurism concepts in the story—such as the relativity of time, Schrodinger's cat experiment, Fermi paradox, many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, Simulation Hypothesis, vactrains, sustainable development and more. 

 My love for Greek /Roman history, drama and mythology made me come up with a touch of that here and there, such as "Artemisia", "Lycurgus", play on "forest nymph" and more (not giving spoilers). As for the theme of conscious living, this is of timely import, now that we're facing climate change.

3) Finally, what's one thing you're most proud of in your story?

That's a hard question! I'm proud that my story offers food for thought to readers while brightening up their day! Except for the times they get annoyed when the protagonist does something silly!

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