🧾 Moon | Killing June

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1) Tell us a little bit about yourself and who you think would love your story!

Hi, my name is Vanessa. I'm a young adult mystery writer that loves to dwell on twisted secrets and teenage drama. When I'm not writing, I'm usually spending my day binging on Pretty Little Liars TV series or buried inside a novel. I'm extremely talkative and friendly. I think fans of One of Us Is Lying and PLL would love to read my story. 

2) What are some things that helped inspire your story?

Mostly it was TV shows. I get motivated just by watching stuff like Riverdale. It was actually by watching one of the episodes that the idea for my book just came into my mind.

3) Finally, what's one thing you're most proud of in your story?

I'm happy I've been able to bring out the struggles teenagers go through in high school. I'm glad I was and still am able to shed some light on topics like peer pressure, the need and desire to just fit in, hierarchies etc. Most of all, I'm proud it's boosted some confidence in me at last.

Thanks once again for hosting such a well-organized award and I'm pleased with the review you gave my book.

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