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~Connor's POV~
We drive back to the hotel, and make a pit stop at Chipotle for dinner. Troye grabs my hand and traces circles on the back of my hand. He rests his head on my shoulder, and I kiss the top of his head.

"Troye, I haven't made a video this week." He sits up, thinking. "Why don't we do a question and answer tag? Our first Tronnor collab!" I giggle, and hold his hand. "That sounds great. But we can't come out to the fans yet, as much as I'd love them to know everything, I just... Can't."

He kisses my cheek. "I understand, babe." We pull up at the hotel, and pay the cab driver. "So, should we go back to LA soon? I know you have stuff to work on." Troye grabs my hand. "We can stay here for as long as you need." We unlock our hotel room door, and go inside.

"Ugh I'm so tired" Troye flops down on the bed. "Connie Frannie come cuddle with me!" He puts his arms out, motioning for me to cuddle with him. I lay down with him, and we lay there for a long time. Just talking about the most random things. That's what I love about Troye. We can just talk about the most random things, everything and nothing.

We change into our boxers, and lay in bed, and decide to watch Pretty Little Liars until 3am. We lay cuddled up until 4, just talking. "I love you Connor." Troye whispers. "I love you too, Troye." I kiss his forehead, and we both drift off to sleep.

~Troye's POV~
I wake up in the morning, curled up with Con. My phone buzzes. It's my manager.
*idk what his managers name is so its gonna be Sara in my fanfic 😂*

Sara: Hi Troye! We've set up the recording sessions in the studio in LA.

Troye: Great! When do you need me?

Sara: Next Tuesday.

Troye: Great! See you then.

Connor stirs slightly and his eyes flutter open. "Good morning babe" Connor says in his sexy morning voice. I kiss his forehead and he cuddles into my chest as I check through Twitter.

"We should make a collab together today" I look down at Connor. "Are you sure?" He nods, and kisses my bare chest. "Okay." I whisper, kissing his hair. I scroll through a list of collabs we could do together, and we decided on the No Arms Challenge and Truth Or Dare.

Time Skip
Connor and I are setting up to film in the hotel room, we decided to do truth or dare first, for his channel. "Hey what's up guys its Connor!" I smile and wait for him to finish his intro, so I can jump into the cameras view.

"And I have a very special guest here with me today!" He motions for me to come sit on the bed with him, and I belly flop on. "HYELLOH IT ME!!" I yell, a little too excitedly. "Troye is a bit hyper from our little breakfast we just had."

I sit up, and sit rather close to Connor. "What did we have, Troye boy?" He says looking over to me. "Well, we had eggs, bacon, toast, and... NUTELLA!!!" He laughs and turns off the camera. He pushes me onto my back, and crawls on top of me.

"Sorry babe I couldn't resist." He kisses me slowly at first, but with so much passion. I lick his bottom lip, asking for entrance. He accepts, and I swirl my tongue around in his mouth. I roll us over, so I'm on top, and roll up his shirt, kissing his abs, and his mole on his hip.

He grabs my face in his hands, looking at me with such seriousness. He moves his face closer and I get butterflies in my stomach, like always. He kisses my birth mark under my left eye. My cheeks go bright red, and I kiss him once again.

He crawls off of me, and sits in front of the camera like nothing happened. "Let's get back to work, Troye boy!" He winks, and I roll my eyes. "You tease." I whisper, kissing his nose. "Patience, horny boy."

He turns the camera back on, after quickly fixing his hair. "So today, Troye boy and I are doing a Truth or Dare video!!" I blush, and look down at the floor. "You guys sent in your truth or dares with the hashtag #truthordaretronnor"

"And there was a lot!" I add. "We only picked the best ones." He winks, and turns off the camera. He quickly fixes the lighting, then turns the camera back on. "Troye, since you're my guest you get to answer the question first." I nod my head.

"Do you like someone, if so, give us clues! From, phanny121"

"I do like someone! Clue... Hmmm... He's perfect in every way. Strong quiff game, and in the YouTube community!"

~Author's Note~
Thanks everyone for reading! Holy shit! 1.16k reads! That's crazy!!
I'm on spring break so expect more updates! Also, I will be doing some YouNow stuff! Follow me on YouNow, it's @connors_troye (same as my Twitter) until then, stay beautiful, keep reading, and follow these accounts! xxx


Instagram: @con.troye.tilly

Twitter: @connors_troye
Tumblr account of the week:

Instagram account of the week: @nocontroltronnor

Twitter account of the week: @tbfhtronnor

Hope you all have a lovely day and I'll talk to you in the next chapter! xxx

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