This Is The New Year/Great Big World

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Hey hey hey! So I'm not really sure when I'm gonna end this fanfic, but I'm really enjoying writing it, so there will either be a sequel book, or maybe I'll just make this one really long! Let me know what you think! Enjoy! x

~Connor's POV~
Troye and I sit on the plane, taking a short plane ride to Sydney, for New Year's Eve. He clutches my hand as we land, and I kiss his hand quickly. We touch down safely, and walk out to the airport, far in front of Tyler, whom we don't really want to speak with right now.

"Hey guys!" Tyler calls. I continue walking, trying to pull Troye, but he stays back. I sigh. I walk over to the baggage claim area, retrieving our bags. I glance back, to see Tyler hugging Troye. I pull mine and Troye's bags, which are heavily packed, because we are going to New Zealand after.

We arrive at our hotel at 3pm. Loads of time to get to downtown Sydney, where the celebration is being held. Troye does his hair up in a quiff for the first time in a long time, and I decide to do the same. He pulls on a black sweater, so I go for a maroon one.

We prepare for a night with Tyler, and eventually we have to get in the cab to go downtown. Tyler sits between us two, and I try to think nothing of it. I sit there, looking out the window as Tyler and Troye talk about how much 'fun' we'll have tonight.

I pull out my phone, and scroll through Twitter until we get to the place. We arrive, and I get out of the car as quickly as I can. Troye comes up behind me, tapping my shoulder. "Con Con are you okay?" He whispers. "Why wouldn't I be?" I say in a somewhat happy tone.

He just looks at me, and we walk to the stage. Tyler turns to me, giving me a dirty look. What? I brush it off, and take a bottle of water. Troye comes up to me, and kisses my neck. "Troye!" I giggle. "That tickles!" I turn around, and kiss his lips. He smiles into the kiss, and we quickly pull away, making sure no one sees.

We finally walk up onto the stage to start the show. We play some games, and talk, over all it was pretty fun, until midnight approached. Troye came over to me, and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Should we kiss now?" He whispers. "I'd love to, but we can't." He turns his head to me. "Why not? You're out now... So..." I take his hand, and pull him off the stage, behind a large speaker.

10... 9... I wrap my arms around his neck. 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... We lean in, and our lips touch. "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" I melt into the kiss, and for a while, I forget where we are, or what day it is, or what year it is. We stop kissing, and he hugs me. "Happy 2015, babe." I rest my head on his shoulder. "I love you, Troye." He strokes my hair. "I love you too, Con." We go back up on stage, and end the show.

We drive back to the hotel, and Troye falls asleep on my shoulder. Tyler keeps looking at us, and frowning. I wonder why in my head, but I could honestly care less. I'm on top of the world. We arrive at the hotel, and I pick Troye up, carrying him bridal style into the hotel. He curls up in my arms, sighing, adjusting his position. I giggle as we step into the elevator, and Tyler presses 6 and 8.

We arrive at our floor, and I step out. "Happy new year Ty-" the elevator door closes, and I sigh. I walk to our room, and feel like I'm going to drop Troye. I unlock the door, and place Troye on the bed. "Troye boy" I whisper.

His eyes flutter open, and he instantly smiles. "Hi angel" he whispers. "Come on, let's get you changed." He stands up, stumbling a little, and pulls off his platform shoes, and wiggles out of his skinny jeans. He pulls off his shirt, and winks at me. I roll my eyes, and change. We both brush our teeth, and get into bed.

"What a day." He whispers, as he plays with my fingers. I nod my head in agreement. "It was amazing." I kiss his nose, and he blushes. I snuggle into his chest, and we both fall asleep.
Oi hello there everyone! This chapter is super cute (at least I think so) and is kind of a filler chapter because shits gonna go down next chapter. Until next time, mates!


Instagram: @con.troye.tilly

Twitter: @tronnorskoala

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