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Hellooooo everyone! Now I've noticed that this story has hit 10k reads, so I decided I will give you guys a little treat and write an epilogue. This will be a decent sized chapter! Alrighty enjoy!

10 years in the future
Connor and Troye are now married, with two children, another on the way. They had adopted one girl, named Marina, and had a surrogate carry a boy, who they named Evan. The two were happy as ever, and their kids were amazing. Their surrogate, Alesa, is currently 9 months pregnant, ready to pop at any time. Marina is 5, and Evan is 3.

"Ugh, it's 3am. Why is the phone-wait do you think?" Connor starts, and Troye gasps, sitting up quickly to answer the phone in a rush. "Hello?" Troye asks. "H-hey guys! I'm- owwww! In labour!" Alesa gasps, the faint beeps of the heart monitor in the background. "We'll be there soon!" Troye rushes, and he sits up. "It's time!" Troye says, and Connor sits up. "We're gonna have a baby." He murmurs, and Troye nods, kissing his husband's lips.

They gather their baby bag, the car seat, and then go to get their kids, to drop them off with Connor's parents. The two had been living in Minnesota, in La Crescent. Connor wanted his kids to grow up in a small town, where they had a large house, and a large back yard too. Troye walks into Evan's room, tapping the three year old's back. "Hey Ev, we're bringing you to grandma and grandpa's. Okay?" The sleepy brunette nods, rubbing his eyes. "Is baby coming?" He yawns, as Troye carries the small boy out of his room, gathering his favourite blanket, and wrapping it around him. "Yes bub." Troye answers, and Evan yawns.

Meanwhile, in Marina's room, Connor was having trouble getting his little girl out of bed. "Mar, I know you don't want to get up, but you really need to. You can sleep as soon as you're at grandma and grandpa's." He whispers, and Marina groans, sitting up and rolling her green eyes. "Is the baby coming?" She asks, and Connor nods his head. "Is it a boy or a girl?" She asks. "We don't know yet, love. We'll find out soon." He murmurs, as he lifts the tiny blonde into his arms. "Do you want ducky?" He asks, and she shakes her head. "I want my Barbie." She whispers. "Okay hun." Connor nods, and grabs the blonde Barbie doll, and Marina's favourite blanket. After a short drive to Connor's parents house, Troye and Connor got on the highway, their suitcases in tow, a new baby seat sitting in the back, and wide smiles on their faces.

The two were incredibly excited, having another baby. They knew they were having a little girl, but didn't want to tell the kids yet. They wanted it to be a surprise. They had to drive to Minneapolis from La Crescent to get the baby, and would probably have to stay over night the next day so the baby could be examined. Connor drives their minivan, holding his husband's hand tight. "I can't wait." Troye whispers. Connor nods his head, agreeing with his husband. "Our little girl." He whispers. "What should we name her?" Connor asks.

"I like Celia, Bella, Lana, and Charlotte." Troye answers. "Charlotte." Connor confirms. "That's cute." He murmurs, as he keeps his eyes on the deserted highway. "We could call her Charlie for short." Troye says. "Or Lottie, like Louis Tomlinson's sister!" Connor chimes, and Troye laughs. Yes, his husband still adored one direction, after all the stunts years ago, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson did end up coming out. As far as the couple knew, the two British lads had two children, Darcy and Asher. Two adorable kids. Not as adorable as Troye and Connor's kids, however.

After an hour of driving, the two arrived in Minneapolis, where Alesa was going to give birth to their little Charlotte. They hold hands, carrying the small baby seat, Charlotte's going home outfit, and a bunch of diapers and baby supplies. The two had also picked up formula, as neither of the two would be able to breast feed the newborn, obviously. And after much fussing, the two finally arrived at Alesa's birthing suite. "H-hey guys." Alesa pants, her legs are up in the stirrups, her lady bits in full view. Troye covers his eyes. "Oh god! My eyes!" He screeches, and Connor rolls his eyes, swinging an arm around his husbands waist. "Sorry, he's... Well... I guess he hasn't seen a vagina before." Connor smirks, and Alesa giggles, before screaming in pain. "Ow!" She yells. The nurse comes in, checking to see how far dilated she is. "You're fully dilated, Alesa! On your next contraction, I want you to push!" He says, and Alesa nods. They wait, and the next contraction comes slowly, but it was the worst one. "Push!" Says the nurse, and the doctor comes in quickly, putting on her pink gloves and gown. "Let's get this baby out!"

After an hour, Troye and Connor have their new baby girl between them, in the small bassinet. She had been examined, and was fully healthy. "Charlotte." Troye whispers. Charlotte makes a tiny noise, scrunching her nose up, and Connor coos at their tiny daughter.

Troye unwraps her from the swaddle, her diaper clad bottom on display, and grabs her adorable pink onesie, slipping it onto her tiny body. "You're a natural." Connor whispers, then pecks his husband's cheek. "I love you." Troye whispers. Charlotte yawns, and the two stare in awe, at this tiny human. Their tiny human.

GUYS!! How was that? I loved it. Tbh I feel so good about it, and I'm glad I gave you guys a little glimpse into the boys' life in the future. Before you ask, this will be the final part. But, make sure to check out my other stories!

Boss (Tronnor AU)
In which Troye comes to work out Common Culture, and Connor is his boss. The two have a one night stand, which leads to a chain of events. Can the two deal with their past lives together? Or will they be better off apart?

Renegade (Tronnor AU)
In which Troye, a troubled teen, meets Connor. A seemingly bubbly, and happy boy. But his home life is not as happy or as perfect as it seems. When the two fall in love, will it last?

Chance (Larry Mpreg AU)
In which Harry is a wedding planner, and when Louis and his fiancée, Eleanor, come in to Harry's shop to plan their wedding, Harry and Louis eventually end up sleeping together. Harry winds up getting pregnant, but will he keep the baby? Will Louis help with the baby?

Alright thanks so much for the continued support on my first Tronnor fic, it means the world!! xo, Chelsea


Twitter: @tronnorlovely

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