Kid In Love/Shawn Mendes

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~Connor's POV~
As another new year comes up, I sit in a plane, waiting to see my boyfriend. We haven't yet gone this long without seeing each other. I wanted to spend Christmas with my family, but knew that people would start to wonder if we spent Christmas together.

I look out the window, seeing the Australian landscape beneath me. I keep motivating myself, don't forget. You get to see that gorgeous blue eyed boy who you love within a matter of hours. I twiddle my fingers, trying desperately to ignore the snoring man beside me.

The plane is packed. I have always had a bit of a problem with small spaces and too many people, but I've never experienced it like this. I decide to try to take my mind off the clusters of people, by doing what I do best, sleeping.

I turn my head away from the snoring man, and towards the aisle, and close my eyes.

Within what seems like seconds, I am being tapped on by a stewardess. "Sir we've arrived." She smiles down at me, obviously checking me out. I grab my bags, and leave the airplane. I wait for my bags by the luggage carousel, and send a text to Troye.

Connor: Hey babe where are you?

Troye: I'm trying to find you!!

I jump when I feel arms around me, and turn around, to see none other than my boyfriend. I want to grab his face and kiss him, but I can't. I look around the airport, and notice multiple teenage girls. I hug Troye for a long time, whispering I love yous to each other.

I let go of him after a few minutes, then see my bag coming down the conveyor. I grab it off, and Troye and I walk over to the fans.

After talking to the fans, which took about an hour, we got a taxi cab, and head to the Mellet house. As soon as we're in the back of the cab, Troye grabs my face and kisses me. "I've been waiting so long to do that." He whispers.

I place my arms around his neck, and pull him closer to me, deepening the kiss. The cab driver looks at us strangely, but continues driving. "Just please don't have sex back there." Troye laughs out loud, and places his head on my shoulder. "Later" he whispers.

I text Tyler, letting him know I'm here. I came three days before New Years Eve, and Tyler is coming in two days.

We arrive at the Mellet household, and I take my suitcase, and Troye's hand. We walk into the house, and are greeted by Jagga. I crouch down, and pet Jagga. "Hey buddy!" Jagga barks in response, and he jumps up on my knees, licking my face. Troye laughs, and takes my bag upstairs.

I follow him up, and Jagga, of course follows. We arrive at Troye's room, and close the door behind us. "Did I mention that no one is home?" Troye says in a seductive voice. I lean up against the door, and Troye comes up to me, pushing me into the door.

He kisses me, slowly at first, but becoming faster, more needy. I place my hands on his butt, squeezing. This causes him to open his mouth, and I slip my tongue in. He lifts me up, still pressing me up against the door, making me the same height as him.

I start tugging at his shirt, and he takes it off. We walk over to his small double bed, and he lays down. I take off my shirt, and straddle him. I dive at his neck, leaving a trail of hickeys, and he starts to tug at my jeans.

Then, of course. My phone goes off. I roll my eyes, as I feel the vibration in my back pocket. I realize that it's 3am in LA, so if someone is calling me, it must be important. I look at the caller ID, and see that it's not someone in LA, it's my mom.

"Hey mom" I speak into the phone, breathless. "Hi honey! I know this seems like I'm calling about something bad, but... Well I guess it's bad? I don't know." I sit up, and Troye sits next to me. "What's wrong, mom?"

She sighs loudly. "Well, honey. The cancer is back." I gasp. "This time, they say that they may not be able to cure it." I feel tears in my eyes, and grab Troye's hand. "Mom... When do you start treatment?"

"That's what we aren't sure about. If there isn't a way to cure it, why try? Why go through chemo again?" I let the tears flow at this point, and fall into Troye's arms. My mother sighs on the other end of the phone.

"Honey you need to listen to me. Whatever happens, I want you to know that I love you, and don't you ever forget that." I begin to sob into Troye's arms uncontrollably, and he strokes my back. "And honey. Troye is a wonderful boy and I'm so glad you're with him."

Troye kisses my head, and I rest my head, calming down slightly. "I'll talk to you soon, Connor." I sigh. "I-I-I- I love you mom." The line goes dead, and Troye takes me in his arms, pulling me back onto the bed. "Everything will be okay." He whispers.

I nod my head, and eventually fall asleep in his arms.
Until next time, mates! xxx


Instagram: @con.troye.tilly

Twitter: @tronnorskoala

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