
353 9 2

Format: drabble

Character: pakunoda from hunter x hunter

lime [slight smut, but not expressed explicitly]

2nd pov

Shopping with pakunoda was a very rare occation. Wait- not very rare. Just sometimes. Due to pakunoda's.. work, she's always busy, so ofcourse, when she has free time, she's always accompanying you.

She's always there by your side. Her presence enough to scare anyone coming close, though there were a few times where there were people with guts to even hit on her girlfriend.

Which was you.

Pakunoda was always so protective when it comes to you. And.. well, maybe she sent off the men who came flirting with you, her goddess.

How could they ever think of getting a chance with you?, pakunoda asks herself. It was fairly clear-- especially to those.. stupid drunkards and those wrinkly ugly men who tries to come close and touch you in any way they can.

Not that she allows it.

I swear to God, one more sleazy wrinkled men flirting with my girlfriend, i am about to sna--

Pakunoda was always easily jealous. Call her obsessive, but she just wants to protect her baby, is that wrong?

There was tons of people who wanted to kidnap you to bait her, because she was a phantom troupe member. And ever since you almost got kidnapped, something in her just broke and made her extremely possessive.

Like a monster snapping out of their cage.

Currently gripping some man's neck, she fumed.

Tighting her grip onto the man's neck, she continued like this for a few minutes, till the man stopped struggling and slumped, no sign of life in his dead body.

People already started panicking, some going out to fetch a nearby guard or police as pakunoda wipes her hand in her office skirt and gripped your wrist, pulling you out of the mall and arriving in a nearby alleyway.

Slamming you into the wall, you stood there wide eyed, her hand resting beside your head, trapping you between the wall and her towering body.

"P-paku..?" You whimpered, though quickly shut off by cherry lips molding onto yours.

"I think i ought to show them just who you belong to, my sweet little y/n"

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