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Apa karena gue sering ngeremehin hal ini, sampe gue ga lolos-lolos di tes kali ini, gue sedih banget. Mana gue lagi drop, padahal dosbing disana udah siapin gelar "Cumlaude" buat gue wisuda nanti, tapi untungnya dosbing gue baik-baik jadi gue disuruh ngulang lagi dan mereka terus kasih gue motivasi. Ada satu ketika dimana gue udah bener-bener putus asa dengan tes ini, gue pengen banget putusin untuk lulus di semester terakhir aja yakni semester ke 8, tapi dosbing gue bilang " i really dissapointed heard your sentenced" dosbing 2. Baru kali ini dia ngeluarin kata sebanyak itu ke gue. Kalo nggak "ya" "tidak" udah itu doang yang keluar dimulut dia biasanya.

Jadi gue tinggal berempat di jeju dengan dosbing-dosbing gue yang ketje badai! Sementara yang lainnya,  mereka disuruh untuk balik ke Seoul terlebih dahulu.

Di suatu hari, dimana ini adalah hari gue ngundurin diri dari calon gelar "Cumlaude" gue, di aula hotel kita berempat kumpul. Dosbing 3 buka obrolan "okay, good morning everyone!" Dosbing 3
"good morning" gue, dosbing 1&2
"okay, Sabiya, What is the day without a class of friends? Still fun? or want to get home quickly?" Dosbing 3
"haha, sir! Oh my god, i want to go home quickly! Wish me luck". Gue
"Are you sure today can be the last day of this English test? I believe you can". Dosbing 3
"i just wanna say, wish me luck for today". Gue
"okay, good luck Sabiya". Dosbing 3
"okay, sabiya... One of the Medical Faculty students, one of the Study Tour committeers, we may be tired of seeing your face here, are you not tired of seeing our faces?". Dosbing 1
"sorry ma'am, i know, Maybe this is my way, but I will keep trying until I can reach it, I'm sure, I can be able to this all ma'am". Gue
"Want to continue to fight until when? Do you think we don't work anymore? Besides testing your English skills?" Dosbing 1
"sorry ma'am, i can't! I like it will just resign from the title of Cumlaude Ma'am, I don't deserve it, I'll resign from now on, and I will try at the study tour next year, i'm not worth it". Gue jawab sambil nangis dan ngusap air mata gue

Tiba-tiba dosbing terjutek gue (dosbing 2) jawab " i really dissapointed heard your sentenced". Dosbing 2
"it turns out you're easy to give up, how can you want to be a professional doctor if you're just like this, it's easy to give up". Dosbing 2
"I've tried many things sir! But I don't seem to be able to continue this Sir! I'm sorry". Gue sambil terus nangis

Tiba-tiba si dosbing jutek gue jalan kearah gue dan dia "meluk" gue dihadapan dosbing yang lain. Dalem hati gue cuma bisa bilang "anjir anjir, bisa-bisanya dia meluk gue, mana wangi lagi" dalem hati, seketika itu jantung gue berdegub kencang, panas dingin, gue nangis dipelukan dia sambil bilang "sir, i wan't to go home! I really miss with my parents" gue nangis sejadi-jadinya
Dia berusaha nenangin gue dalam pelukan nya dan dia bilang "chill Biya,consider me part of your family". Dosbing 2
Gue semakin ngerasa nyaman dipelukan nya, dan ternyata dosbing 1 & 3 ikutan kebawa suasana, dan mereka nangis juga.

Gue lepas pelukan dia lalu dia bilang
"why did you let go of my arm?" dosbing 2

Gue dibuat makin nervous sama dia, dan gue cuma bilang "sorry sir, i can't" gue
"if you have a problem, just tell me Biya, no problem, you can share it with me" dosbing 2
"thank you sir" gue
"You have to continue this test I'm sure you will pass the fee!" dosbing 2
"but sir..... " gue belum selesai ngomong langsung dipotong dosbing 2
"no, let me guide you Biya!". Dosbing 2

Gue cuma bisa terdiam mendengar kata-kata itu, sambil nahan baper yang ga ketulungan.

Dan ternyata bener dong, besok nya 2 dosbing gue (dosbing 1 dan 3) balik dulu ke seoul, dan ninggalin kita di Jeju berdua.

Hiyaaaaaaa siapa nih yang baper pas ending part! Tunggu chapter selanjutnya yaaaa

BEST FRIEND FOREVER Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang