Introducing Me

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Hello, my name is Saphira Pendragon.

I have curly dark brown hair that goes to the middle of my back, light golden brown skin, and deep sapphire blue eyes.

I have curly dark brown hair that goes to the middle of my back, light golden brown skin, and deep sapphire blue eyes

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I am the rarest combination of all the races in Middle Earth. My mother was an elf. My father was Dragonkind.

Along with these heritages, I inherited being Dragonkind. Which means I can transform into a dragon at will.

I turn into a sapphire blue dragon, thus my namesake.

But, ever since my parents were killed by hunters, I am the last Dragonkind.

And after my parents died, I became a Ranger as my cover. Which makes me dangerous as a normal being when I'm not a Dragon.

As I have magic coursing through my veins, I can make myself as tall as a normal woman or my normal height which is a bit taller than the average dwarf woman.

Anyway, I'm on my way to Rivendell, my adopted home. My mother was Lord Elrond's youngest sister, so this was home when I was little.

Little did I know that I would find a pleasant surprise when I got there...

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