Rhadagast the Brown

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After I get out of my sack, I run straight in the direction where Saphira fell.

And I see her body, lying facedown on the ground. I run to her, kneel beside her, and gather her in my arms, turning her around.

Then, I see her face, and I feel as if a piece of my heart chipped away. And not in the normal way it did whenever I saw her.

Her forehead is cut right above her right eyebrow, and is bleeding down the side of her face. Her skin is more pale from her normal skin tone. She looks dead... No.

"Gandalf!!" I shout for the wizard.

Then, he comes to us, his eyes widen whe he sees us, and kneels on the other side of us.

He holds his staff less hand out over Saphira and whisper some words that I don't understand.

Then, the cut seals and the color comes back into her body. And then, her bright blue eyes start to flutter open, making my heart flutter as well.

Saphira's POV

My eyes flutter open and for a moment the bright sunlight blinds me, then I see bright blue eyes.


And then, I see Gandalf above me and I smile.

"Took you long enough, Gandalf." I say, jokingly.

Gandalf smiles and laughs as well, and so does Thorin.

"I'm truly sorry, Saphira." he says.

And then, he helps me stand up, out of Thorin's strong arms, which makes my heart rate somewhat fall, instantly.

"Where were you?" Thorin asks, standing up as well.

"Looking ahead." Gandalf answers him, letting go of me.

"What brought you back?"

"Looking behind." Gandalf answers Thorin's questions. "Still, all in one piece."

"No thanks to your burglar." Thorin grumbles.

"He had the noose to play for time." Gandalf says. "An idea the rest of you did not think of."

"Uh, Gandalf, I had that idea first," I point out. "I was just a little preoccupied with being unconscious to carry it out all the way."

Gandalf smiles at my little sarcasm, Thorin on the other hand, frowns with mixed emotions on his face. I can't quite tell what they are...

"These are mountain trolls." Gandalf continues.

"Since when have mountain trolls come this far south?" Thorin asks, regaining his composure.

"Not for an age. Since a dark power reigned this land..." Gandalf trails for a second before talking again. "But, they could not have traveled in daylight."

"Then, there must be a cave nearby." Thorin says, looking around for a cave.

I nod before I use my Dragon eyes to see auras of Trolls. Another one of my powers is seeing the auras of other beings of Middle Earth.

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