Sorry I'm Late

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The sun sets before I even reach Bree. The stars burn with their bright white shining light. The moon with its pale silvery white light, illuminating the Earth.

Shado is tired, but we still have to find the house that Gandalf spoke of. I search for the sign with my tired eyes. I'm a little rusty because I usually don't tire easily.

Then, I see a house in the ground, a fashion famous for hobbits, a Dwarf mark glowing in bright blue saying Here towards the bottom of the door.

I finally made it to the house. I dismount Shado and turn to look at her. She is very tired.

I smile at her before stroking the front of her face. "Go to the nearby woods and rest there." I tell her in Sindarian. "I'll call for you on the morning."

She rubs her head against my hand before turning away from me and run in the direction of the trees. After she disappears from sight, I turn to the door and take a deep breath. Then, I knock on it.

No one comes. So I knock again. No one. For the third time, I knock on the emerald green painted wood door. And for the third time, no one comes to the door. But, it's cracked open just a little. So, I walk in.

It's a warm and beautiful little house and... it feels like a home. I hear a lot of talking and laughing, seems like they just finished singing a song, it has that feeling. Sounds like Gandalf's voice is among them. So I am in the right home.

I walk to what seems like a dining room and as soon as I do, silence goes throughout the room. And I look to see the faces of thirteen dwarves, a hobbit, and one very familiar wizard.

I smile. "Sorry I'm late, Gandalf." I say as I push a piece of my hair behind my left ear.

A Dwarf covered in markings stands up instantly, eyes wide. "It's an Elf!" he shouts in Khuzdul.

Oops, I guess he saw my Elvish ears. Should have remembered that Elves and Dwarves don't get along.

A few other Dwarves stand as well. "What are we going to do?" asks a blonde haired Dwarf who looks like he's one of the youngest of the Dwarves.

"We are going to kill her and Thorin will be impressed with us!" says a young brunette Dwarf, who's apparently the brother of the blonde.

The Dwarves nod in agreement, but before they move, I speak in Khuzdul:

"You know, you should really try not to kill a person you haven't even met." I say casually, causing the Dwarves to look at me in alarm. "And make sure that the person you plan on killing doesn't speak Khuzdul."

Gandalf smiles and laughs, the Dwarves turn and look at him as if he's crazy. Even the little Hobbit looks at him this way.

Gandalf makes his way through the Dwarves, places his hand on my shoulder when he reaches me, and turns back to the Dwarves.

"My dear Dwarves," he begins. "This is the friend I told you all that I asked to assist us. She is only a half Elf, but also is a half Dwarf. And so, you will respect as you would of any other of your kind."

Being "half Dwarf" was usually the cover-up with my shrunk size. Makes a lot of things easier.

"But, Gandalf," says the tattooed Dwarf. "She is a woman. She has no place amongst us."

"I may be a woman, Master Dwarf." I say. "But, I am no ordinary woman."


"I am a Ranger, sir. I can do anything that is needed of me."

They all think about this for a second before anyone of them speak. I'm guessing they're thinking that having a Ranger on their side would be a advantage.

"I admit," the tattooed Dwarf says. "That does make a difference in things."

I smile. "Thank you for deciding on not killing me."

He smiles. "It would've been a shame if we had. What is your name?"


"What a beautiful name."

"Thank you."

And just like that, I met all of the Dwarves. Dwalin, Balin, Kili, Fili, Nori, Dori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Bifer, Bufer, Bombor, and the Hobbit, Bilbo.

We start talking, I talk to Bilbo, then we all hear:

Bang! Bang! Bang!

And we all go quiet. "He is here." Gandalf says.

So, the leader of our company is finally here.

Thorin Oakenshield.

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