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Saphira slips away from everyone and goes to one of her favorite places to be. The huge balcony at the back of palace which overlooks the amazing view of Rivendell.

She knows that the view from the air is even better, but she doesn't dare to fly in the late afternoon hours for fear the Dwarves would see her. So, she has to make do with the view she has at the moment.

As everyone continues eating and talking, there was unexpected laughter and cheerfulness.

Saphira wonders why they all were so happy since she has known them to mostly be mainly about business and no fun, but she loves it nonetheless and smiles.

"Well, this is the first feast I have thoroughly enjoyed in a long time." says a voice that makes Saphira blush along with smiling.

She turns around to see Thorin. He leans on the wall close to the balcony, arms crossed, and is also smiling. He stands up straight and walks over to her.

"Well, I am glad of that." she says, sweetly, genuinely happy to be with him.

She turns back to the view, trying to hide her blush. They stand in silence for a little while. Neither of them know what to say to each other.

"It's because of you, you know." Thorin breaks the silence.

Saphira turns her head to look at him, a confused look on her face.

"Saphira, everyone is happy this night, because of you." Thorin reprises his statement.

Saphira still doesn't understand. "Because of me?" she asks, meaning for more clarification.

"Yes," Thorin tells her. "Your kindness and sharing your musical talent brought this happiness upon us."

Saphira finally understands that Thorin was telling her that she made everyone happy, and smiles.

"It was my pleasure." she says, humbly, as she looks out again.

Thorin stares at Saphira's beauty as she quite literally shines in the last rays of the sun. Everything about her is perfect to him. Her eyes, her hair, her skin, her scent of honey and peppermint, her selflessness, the way she's only a few inches shorter than he is, and her kindness. Also in her stubbornness, her fighting ability, and how she never hesitates to sacrifice herself.

Little do each of them know that both their hearts are pounding like a beating drum. And as unsteady as thunder.

Silence passes through them again. This time, it is Thorin who doesn't know what to say. Then,...

"Saphira?" he starts, nervously, his heart pounding even more now as he turns to face his body to her.

"Yes, Thorin?" Saphira says as she turn to look once again at him, her heart thundering as well.

"There's something I have to tell you."


"I've wanted to tell you before, but I didn't know how to. And now, if I don't tell you, I shall regret it for the rest of my life."

"Thorin, tell me what?"

"Saphira, what I've been trying to say is that... Men lananubukhs menu." Thorin finally says.

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