Trolls: Part Two

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Bilbo manages to make it through to their camp without drawing attention to himself.

I'm hiding behind a tree and still have Bilbo in my sight. I refix my bow, quiver, and my sword that I always bring with me so I can get to them easier.

The trolls are talking so loudly, I wonder why I couldn't hear them earlier. There are three of them. I can see the ponies trapped in a quickly made corral.

"Mutton yesterday," one of the trolls starts to speak, "Mutton today. And, blimey, if it don't look like mutton tomorrow!"

"This ain't no sheep!", yells the troll that's carrying Myrtle and Mintie, "Is fresh nags!"

"Aww! I don't like 'orse!", whines the third, "Not enough meat on them. How come Bert's the cook? All his food tastes the same!"

Bert is apparently the one who stole the ponies.

"I 'gree with you 'ere, Tom! All his food tastes like chicken!" says the second.

"Cept for the chicken, Bill." Tom points out.

"Which tastes like fish!" Bill exclaims.

They bicker amongst themselves, while Bilbo sneaks around them to get to the ponies. Using a blade that's slightly attached to Tom's belt.

Just as Bilbo's about to free them, the troll, Tom, reaches behind him to grab his handkerchief as he's about to sneeze! Instead, he grabs his handkerchief AND Bilbo and then sneezes on him!

Ew! Poor Bilbo!

"Look wats com out of me hooter!" Tom exclaims.

I run closer, knowing full well something's going to happen, something bad.

"Wat is et?" asks Bill.

"Dunno. But I don't like how it wriggles 'bout!" Tom says as he threw Bilbo to the ground.

As Bilbo stands up, Burt grabs a long blade that looks as long as a tree and points it at Bilbo.

"Wat are you? An oversized squirrel?" the troll demands to know.

"I'm a burglar- I mean, a hobbit." Bilbo stammers.

"A burglarhobbit?" Tom asks, obviously confused by the made up race.

"Can we eat 'im?" Bill asks, hopefully, not wanting horse for supper.

"We can try!" Tom says, charging after Bilbo.

I try to go to help him, but a hand pulls me back by my arm. I turn my head to see Thorin!

"Stay here." he tells me.

"But, I want to-"

"You'll be a lot safer here. Please, Saphira, do this for me."

His eyes are full of begging. He wants to keep me safe... Why?

I simply nod then turn my head again to see Bilbo.

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