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I finally arrive home and see a familiar man, clothed on all gray.

An old friend of mine. And it looks like he's been waiting for me.

I land on the ground and transform back into my secondary original form (the human form). Then, I run to my friend.

"Gandalf!" I shout, smile on my face.

His friendly and kind face splits into a smile. And he opens his arms to embrace me.

"My dear Saphira." he says, his smile apparent in his voice.

We pull apart after a few moments. He looks just like he used to. All gray, but kind.

"It's so good to see you!" I say, happily.

"It's good to see you, too!" Gandalf says. "But, there is another purpose of this vist."

"What is it, Gandalf?"

"I need you to join me on an adventure."

"What kind of an adventure?"

"An adventure with a dwarf prince to reclaim his kingdom."

"Who's the prince?"

"Thorin Oakenshield."

"Oh, so, it's a quest to reclaim Erebor from Smaug."

"Yes. And I need a person of your skills to help me, seeing as I will be surrounded by stubborn and unreasonable dwarves."

I laugh at this. I understand his logic. Also, I need to go on another quest. I haven't been on one in 20 years. Oh, I should probably tell you that I'm 195 years old.

"Very well, Gandalf. I will join you."

"Fantastic. We are all meeting at the Shire, in the village of Hobbiton. A house will have a dwarvish mark on the door."

"Yes. I will be there."

"Thank you, Saphira. I shall see you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow then."

And with that, Gandalf turns to leave. I go inside the palace to the dining hall to see my uncle, Lord Elrond sitting at the table. I sit down beside him.

"Uncle, did Gandalf speak to you?" I ask.

"Yes, he did." he responds. "And I presume that you accepted his offer?"

"Yes, I did. You don't object?"

"No, I know that you have been restless these past 20 years. And that the only cure for that for you is a dangerous adventure."

We talk the rest of the evening before I leave for my room.

"Saphira?" my uncle calls, causing me to turn to him. "Will you do your best to keep yourself safe?"

I smile at him. "Do not worry about me, Uncle." I say. "It is my potential enemies who should be afraid."

He smiles now and embraces me. "I love you, Saphira."

"As I love you, Uncle."

And after we pull apart, I leave to go to my room and prepare some things for my new adventure that begins tomorrow.

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