Chapter 1: First day of school

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"Mom, I need breakfast now!"

"It's almost done, honey. Have a seat. Actually no, go and get your brother. I am sure that lazy bum is still sleeping."

I groan and walk back up the stairs to Cameron's room.

"Little brother! It is wakey time!" I sing as I jump on top of him.

"Uff. Get off me Emeryn. God, why did you give me an older sister?" he groans as he rolls away from me.

"God, why did you give me a younger brother?" I repeat flopping down on Cameron's still sleeping body.

"I guess that makes more sense. Ugh, go away now. I need to get ready." he whines as he tries to get away from under me.

Downstairs, mom has finished making breakfast and so I quickly eat my pancakes and get ready to go to school.

"Remember honey, you need to make sure Cameron has his schedule before you leave him alone to the sharks. Okay?"

"Yes, mom. Cameron! I am leaving with or without you!"


Once he has his pancakes in his hands, he hops into my car.

"Don't you dare drop any food in Frosty," I warn him when I see a few crumbs fly as he eats his breakfast.

"Just drive, will you?" he says before he bites into the fluffy pancakes.

When I drive through the huge black gates of the school, I am met with several other rich cars like mine. I sigh in relief. At least I won't stand out. Finding a parking spot near the office building, both of us quickly make our way to the front door.

"Good morning. How may I help you?" a smiling receptionist greets us in the office.

"Hi! I am Emeryn Saunders and this is Cameron Saunders. We are new here."

"Of course. Give me a second."

She prints out our timetables and other details before handing them over to us. Luckily there is also a map to navigate this place.

"Thank you."

I turn to Cameron.

"You good to go?"

"Yup. See you at dispersal!" he waves at me before exiting the building and going to the middle school building.

I make my way to the first period. Luckily I am just in time because the teacher hasn't started teaching yet.

"Good morning miss. You are?"

"Emeryn Saunders. New student." I explain seeing her puzzled glance.

"Of course. Introduce yourself."

Shit, the dreaded moment. I groan inwardly.

"Hi, I am Emeryn Saunders and I am from New Jersey," I say vaguely

"Nice to meet you Emeryn. Why don't you take a seat beside Jesse?" the teacher goes back to fiddling with her desk.

I look around to see who responds. A guy with dirty blond hair and an amazing pair of light green eyes raises his hand.

Oh my god. He is so hot.

"Hi," I say as I sit down beside him.

"Hi," he replies with a grin that brings out his single dimple. Holy moly he has a single dimple! Single dimples are so much better than double dimples because they look so fucking sexy. Ugh!

"So, what's the name of the teacher, and how much has she taught?"

"Her name is Ms. Hale. We have just finished chapter one and are revising," he whispers as Ms. Hale starts teaching.

Throughout the class I keep sneaking glances at the hot boy beside me, he even caught me looking once but simply smiled and turned away.

After class, as soon as I have stepped out, I am bombarded with two girls I had noticed in the class.

"Hi, I am Talia and this is Rosalie. Would you like to sit with us for lunch?" the brunette girl introduces herself and her friend.

"Sure." I shrug as they start walking with me, flanking me from both sides.

"So, we kind of noticed you sneaking glances at Jesse and we wanted you to beware of his girlfriend, Paris O'Quinn. She is a real bitch and we have no idea why Jesse has stayed with her for so long." the black-haired girl, Talia, says from my left side.

"Thank you...I guess." I reply, kind of put off by the concern from two strangers.

"Oh shit, this must be weird for you. See the thing is, I am a good judge of character sometimes and you screamed bitch but not plastic and so I had to befriend you." Talia says when she notices my expression.

"Right, well I am enjoying the company nevertheless," I say still wary of them.

Both of them grin at me.

When lunch arrives, they pick me up from my Physics class and we walk into the cafeteria together. While we are in line, a girl two persons ahead of me starts arguing with the lunch lady about the amount of oil in the fries.

"See her?" Rosalie points to that girl.

"That is Paris O'Quinn. Nobody likes her but they all tolerate her because she is dating the silver boy." Talia adds.

"Silver boy?" I ask amused at the title.

"There are titles here for both girls and boys based on their popularity. Wesley Mason is the Golden boy of this school. Jesse Morgan is the Silver boy and Logan Daniels is the Bronze boy. Similarly, Natasha Fox is the Golden girl, Willow Avila is the Silver girl while Dorothy Ho is the bronze girl. Just like her name, Dorothy is a huge slut. Not shaming her or anything but she plays boys hard. Like very hard. She is never upfront about her intentions and leads many boys on at the same time. Dorothy is the only one who is a bitch out of the entire elite group. Everyone else is nice. Also FYI, Dorothy and Paris are best friends." Rosalie sucks in a much-needed deep breath as she finishes her speech.

That is a lot of names to remember. I frown. I am sure I'll manage just fine.

While we eat, Rosalie and Talia tell me more about the school and its students. We even make plans to meet up after school tomorrow.

I know that some people might think that the friends became too close too soon. But I have a reason, some people just feel a connection when they meet. These three girls felt it too. Believe me, I was more surprised than you because I don't believe in instant connections either. However, these three are meant to be together and I know it. They are soulmates.

Thoughts??? Predictions on further chapters??

Thoughts??? Predictions on further chapters??

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