Chapter 2: Party pooper

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"Hi, Emeryn right?" Jesse asks as he slides into his seat beside me.

"Hi yes, Jesse?"

"That's me." he smiles that pretty one dimpled smile of his. I swear I start drooling just at the mere sight of them.

I check him out while he removes his textbook and notebooks. When he looks up and catches me staring, I simply smile. He quirks an eyebrow before a smirk makes its way to his beautiful face.

"Jesse baby. I missed you yesterday." the dark haired girl, Paris slides her hands down her boyfriend's chest, sits on his lap and kisses him forcefully. I say forcefully because I noticed Jesse was trying to pull away subtly.

"Jesus Paris, we are in class." he finally says when she leaves his lips alone.

"Oopsie." Paris slides out of her boyfriend's lap and gives me a glare before sauntering to the front row.

"Sorry about that." Jesse says weaving his hands through his now messy hairs. I put my hand on his forearm to stop him from settling down his disheveled hair.

"Leave it. It looks better." I say, ignoring his apology since it wasn't his fault.

He smiles that one dimple smile and I almost melt into a puddle at his feet. Again.

After class, Talia and Rosalie force me into telling them about my little moment with the Silver boy. They keep gushing about how cute both of us would look and how cute our babies would be. I immediately shut them up after for two reasons. One, we reached my class and two, we weren't even dating and these two were already picking out child names and fighting over who got to be the godmother.

At lunch, we are gossiping about our favorite celebrities when Paris struts up to us. She leans down and suffocates me with her overpowering perfume.

"Listen new girl and listen well. Jesse is out of your league and he is my boyfriend. So you better keep your filthy slutty hands off him. Understood?" she cocks her head to the side to try and appear in control. I can feel the weight of the entire cafeteria's eyes on us and I can see her relishing the attention because she thinks she had the last word.

"You can't slut shame someone without knowing anything about them and if you believe that you are superior to me, then why are you feeling threatened by the new girl?"

Her smug expression stutters. "I am not feeling threatened. Especially by someone like you."

"Oh yeah? Then why did you come over to warn me to stay away from your boyfriend?"

"I-I didn't I- ugh." she stomps her feet, turns around and walks back to wherever she came from with her imaginary tail tucked between her legs. Rosalie and Talia high five me and when Jesse and I make eye contact he sends an apologetic expression my way and I just shrug.

It was no big deal. It was just a female dog doing her job.

By the end of the school day I had received 24 glares from O'Quinn. I started counting after the fourth one. I pick Cameron up. He looks kind of down so as soon as I am out of the parking lot I swerve aside and park.

"What's up?"


"Cameron, come on. I am serious."

"So am I."

"Cam." I say softly. He sighs.

"Middle school kids are dicks."

"Oh Cammy. Come here." I call him the name mom uses and pull him into a hug which lasts twenty seconds before he is pushing me away and taming the few strands of hair that got messed up.

I laugh and then start the car once again to go home.

Back home, I am munching through my second packet of skittles when Talia calls.

"Hey Em. Rose and I were thinking, would you like to go to the mall with us tomorrow? Pretty please with a skittle on the top?"

Skittles? Damn, I found my soulmate!

"Sure. What time?" I ask, excited at the prospect of learning more about my new friends.


"10? Why so early? Tomorrow is a Saturday!" I whine.

"There's this shop where this hot hot hot guy starts his shift at 10 and Rose might have a teeny weeny crush on get where I am going, don't you?"

"Fine." I drawl.

"Yay! Rose will come pick you up at 9:30."

"Okay. See you tomorrow."

Ending the call, I go down to ask mom for money and permission.

"Mom! Where are you?"

"Kitchen, honey."

"Rosalie and Talia want to go shopping tomorrow. Can I go with them? We'll be leaving at 10 and I need money."

"Who's Rosalie and Talia?" she asks confused.

Oh duh, I never told her about them.

"Uhh, they are a couple of new friends I made today" I explain

Mom raises an eyebrow.

"They are good, they aren't like Jess. I promise."

Jessica is a long story meant to be told later. Or not.


"Yay! Thanks mom! I love you!"

"Love you too, honey."

Thoughts on our girl Emeryn's relationship with her brother??

Thoughts on Paris O'Quinn???

[GIMME YOUR THOUGHTS! OR I'LL HAVE TO STEAL THEM...I am sure I'll find some way...]

Do inform me if there are any mistakes! Ciao!

Do inform me if there are any mistakes! Ciao!

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