Chapter 4: Friend request

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"Mom, come on. Why do I have to spend the entire day with her?" Cameron whines from his seat at the dining table.

"Don't sound so excited." I roll my eyes and stuff myself with more food.

"Cameron, this is non-negotiable. We are spending the day going around Florida and you will keep your little mouth shut. Clear?"

"Yes." Cameron mumbles.

"Goodie! I have packed a picnic basket and we will stop when we get hungry. First, we are visiting all the beaches and then the malls. Finally the tourist places. Any questions?"

Cameron raises a hand. "Malls?"

"We need stuff to decorate the house, Cammy."

"Fine. When are we leaving because I still need to bathe."

"Both of you have 1.5 hours to get ready. No delays or appropriate punishments will be handed in. Your time!"

Cameron rushes up as I finish my last pancake and drink the rest of my juice. Then I follow him.

We first hit the beach nearest to our house. Mom sets up chairs while I do the umbrellas. Cameron is already in the water.

"I am glad you kids agreed to do this with me today." mom says as she lays down on the green chair.

"No worries mom. This might be your last day of holiday once you start work." I say smiling.

Mom is a cardiac surgeon. Her working hours are going to be insane so she decided to use this Sunday to relax with us before work starts on Tuesday.

"Do you know why Cameron isn't himself these days?" mom asks as she throws a cursory glance at his form in the water.

"He said he hated middle school kids."

Mom nods in understanding.

"Do you think he will be alright?" she asks worriedly.

"I am sure he will be fine, mom. A few days for everyone to adjust to him and I am sure he will find at least one friend." I try to ease her worry, but am not that successful.

"Ladies, you need to try the water." Cameron sneaks up to them and bows before them stretching his hands outwards, towards the water.

After the beaches, we go to a park and have our lunch followed by a visit to a small grocery store. By mid-afternoon, the car is half full with shopping bags and other knick-knacks and has a wet stench because of the wet towels hung by the window.

At the mall, Cameron is groaning and moaning at everything until we start shopping for his room. Then he is all bouncy and on sugar high without the sugar.

After the shopping, we go to the movies and watch a marvel movie. After two buckets of popcorn and a large cup of coke, we trudge back to the car and go back home. Sitting on my bed, I am going through my social media account, I accept Rosalie's and Talia's requests when I catch sight of Jesse's name and photo in my suggestions box.

I sit upright in anticipation. Should I follow him? Or will it be too desperate? On an impulse, I quickly tap the follow button before I gasp in horror and cover my eyes.

What had I done?

Almost immediately, he accepts my request and follows back. I choke dramatically and fall back on my bed clutching my throat. I need to talk to someone. Now.

I group call Talia and Rosalie and start shrieking at them without speaking a word. I can imagine them grimacing and covering their ears.

"Dude! Stop wailing."

"I think she was shrieking."

"Nope, definitely screaming."

"That was not screaming."

"It was definitely shrieking."

"Shrieking it is."

I keep looking at them, my news is forgotten over their banter about what noise I was just making.

"Why did you call us right now with that god-awful shrieking?" Rosalie asks as she raises a trimmed eyebrow.

"Oh, yea! My news! So, what happened was, I was scrolling down my account, oh btw I accepted your requests, and I saw Jesse's account in the suggestions box. I panicked for a moment before finally clicking on follow. He must have been online already because he accepted my request and followed me back! Jesse followed me back! Isn't that awesome?!"

Talia and Rosalie join me in my squealing feast until someone starts pounding on my door.

"Emeryn! Can you keep it down? I have school tomorrow and need my sleep!"

"It's still 9 Cameron."

"Same difference. I can't concentrate on my video game while having to listen to you sound like a dying walrus," he complains.

"Go away, Cameron."


He shuts the door with a bang as he goes.

"Sorry guys, that was my brother."

"He goes to East High too?" Talia asks curiously.

"Yes, middle school."

"Ugh, I hate middle schoolers. They are such jerks." Rosalie groans.

"Hey Emeryn, my brother is also a middle schooler too if your brother wants to be his friend. It's his last year. What about your brother's?"

"It's his last year too."

"Good, then ask your brother to look around for Beck Wiskon."

"Thanks, Tals." I smile, happy that I will be able to help Cam settle in.

"No problemo. I got to go now though. See you girls tomorrow. Good night."

"Good night." Rosalie and I echo before cutting the call. I immediately walk over to Cameron's room.

"Cam? You got a sec?"

"Sure. What do you want."

"I might have some good news for you," I say as I settle down on his bed near his feet.

"Unless you have any advice on how to be invisible, I don't want to hear it."

"I made two friends on my first day and one of them has a brother in your year. Do you know Beck Wiskon?"

"Beck Wiskon? I think he is a popular jock or something. Why?"

"She told me to tell you that if you want a friend he is there."

He doesn't say anything for a while before suddenly leaping at me and hugging the life out of me.

"Thank you, Emmy. I love you."

"Love you too Cam. Now, get your beauty sleep, wear good clothes tomorrow and go befriend Beck." I mock order him.

He smirks. "Sounds like a plan."

Do you think Cammy boy will get a new friend finally?

How do you think Beck will turn out to be? Will he be a jerk or sweet like Talia? Comment your opinions!

Thoughts? Predictions?

Thoughts? Predictions?

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