chapter 8

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Axel's POV

I haven't stopped checking my phone, clock watching and checking for new messages from Amethyst. Nothing so far. She should be here any minute now it's 12.53. PING I quickly click the message. "Please wait for me" is all it says. What's does that mean. Apart from the obvious. Has something happened.
Now I'm even more anxious than I was before. How long do I wait, before I have to do something. I can't sit here all night not knowing. I have to think of a plan or plans rather. Just incase.

Its 1.27am and I've gone thru as many different scenarios as possible in my head. And hopefully have a somewhat plan for most. Most of them involve me somehow getting into the house and finding out what's going on myself.
I'm in pretty good shape, work out 5 days a week. So I think I have a fair chance against her husband if it comes to that. But how long do I wait. And do I just kick the door in, like a knight in shining armour. For fuck sake I chuckle to myself. What have I got myself into.

Its 1.39am and I have decided I'm going to start making my way to her house, I have to. Just incase something has happened. I've left my car open just incase she goes a different way and I'm not there. I'm cautious to stay in the shadows. I'm about 100 feet from the house, there are lights on but I can't seem to see any movement. I decide to get as close as I can and see if I hear or see anything.

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