chapter 13

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I wake with a jolt and scream not knowing where I am and feeling terror. I look to my right and see Axel. He looks spooked. He's shushing me and trying to comfort me "hey hey it's ok, amethyst your safe now" I try to bring my breathing under control as I look into his eyes. He takes my hand in his and lightly squeezes it. "We are here now, at my place. Are you ready to go inside" he ask. I smile and nod.

He's round my side of the car in seconds and has the door open, offering me his hand. I take it and my breath hitches as I go to move and all I feel is pain, everywhere. I feel faint as I stand reaching forward to steady myself I land in Axels arms. I freeze for a moment not knowing how to react or how he'll react. He just gives me a small smile rearranges one of the blankets to keep my modesty and scoops me up like I weigh nothing. He closes the car door with his foot and walks us to the front door. Is it weird I feel so comfortable and safe with a man I hardly know I wonder to myself. "Are you ok to stand?" He ask gently I just nod and look away. He slowly lowers me to my feet and goes about unlocking the door. Once inside I look around his house, it's modern and decorated in navy blue and white.

I turn to find Axel standing watching me with a concerned look on his face he goes to speak then stops then speaks " let me show you the guest room where you will be staying...for as long as you need. You can leave when your ready. No rush though" He laughs nervously.
He walks towards the stairs I follow slowly holding the Blanket round me still i feel weak and unsteady on my feet. We face a few doors and then he stops opens a door to a bedroom decorated in greys and white with a lovely looking bed a full sized free standing mirror a dressing table built in wardrobes and another door to the side. I walk in slowly looking around it's so beautiful. I stumble and almost fall but Axel catches me by my arms. "S..s..sorry I still feel unsteady on my feet and I'm exhausted" I smile weakly and look away his eyes look pained and I can't take it. "Hey Amethyst look at me" he almost whispers I slowly turn my gaze to him and go to speak but he cuts me off "don't apologise you never need to apologise to me, this room is yours now until you no longer need it. That door there is a bathroom, stocked with hopefully everything you need. If there is anything you need please don't hesitate to tell me. Would you like me to run you a bath or would you rather a shower?" I just stand staring at him how can he be so nice want to help me let me stay here. He got hurt because of me. "I...I...don't know what to say...thank you. Your too kind" I stutter and look away my eyes now filling with tears. He pulls me to him and just holds me while I fall apart. After what feels like hours of crying I'm softly hick uping I look at him. He smiles softly and walks us to the bathroom. Sits me on the toilet I pull the blanket tighter around me for comfort while he goes about running me a bath with an obscene amount of bubbles. He leaves a wash cloth on the side of the bath turns to me kneels down in front of me and says "there's clean towels there on the unit and I've left soaps, shampoo and what not on the side of the bath. There is a new tooth brush and tooth paste and a few other bits by the sink. I will be in my room which is next door if you need anything and I mean anything " He looks up at me almost searching and continues "would you like anything to drink or eat?" Fresh tears threaten to fall and I again wonder why he is so nice and willing to help. I sniff and wipe at my eyes I need to pull myself together. "Thank you...I can never repay you for what you've done for me. I'm so grateful. I would love a cup of tea after I've had a bath I will be down as soon as I'm done here" I smile and lean forward to kiss his check. With that he stands to leave.

I slowly take off what little clothes I have left and slowly step in to the bath the heat is lovely and feels amazing I slowly start to lower myself in the water and gasp in pain and fall with a huge splash of water. Well that hurt I underestimated my injuries. Getting out isn't going to be fun. I slowly lay back which is painful and not as easy as I thought it would be but I try to enjoy the heat on my aching body. Between my legs stings and I shudder at the thought. But try to clear it from my mind. And just take a few deep breaths and enjoy this bath.

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