chapter 11

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I wake feeling weak I struggle to get myself in a seated position against the wall, I look to my left and he's here, he's actually here. I smile weakly. "Your here, you came" I say quietly. Then feel dizzy and feel myself drifting to sleep. I try and stay awake.

I wake again, and both Axel and Jerry are standing with fist up swinging at each other. I drift again. The next time I wake I'm in Axel's arms and we are in the street hes walking with me. The fresh air is lovely on my skin and to breath I try to take a deep breath but flinch in pain and he looks down at me, "your awake, I'm sorry I didn't have time or know where to look for a bag you might have packed and I could only find this small throw to cover you with it doesn't cover much. But I've covered your err...lower half" He whispers. He has a bloody nose and a small cut under his left eye. I slowly reach up and wipe the blood from his face. "Its fine, the cold air feels good. Thank you. I can never repay you" I struggle to get out as my lip trembles. "Hey shh now it's ok. I'm going to stand you up for a second while I open the car door, are you ok to stand. We need to get you to hospital" he tells me gently, no I don't want to go to hospital. I start to panic. "No! No! I mean yes, I can stand but no hospital" I get out just as he steadys me on my feet. As he helps me in the car I wince at the pain I feel, from everywhere on my body. He closes the door and walks round the car stopping at the boot. He climbs in and covers me with a blanket, then I feel my seat going back slightly. 'Its a good 30 minutes to my place. Try and rest. Now my only conditions for not taking you to the hospital are you be truthful with me about your injuries so I know how bad and or serious they are and I'm afraid I'm going to have to watch over you while you sleep. I can't have anything happening to you now, I think you have a concussion." My eyes flutter open and closed, it's amazing how safe I feel with this man. I smile and start to speak as he starts the car " I think I'm ok. I'm just exhausted and may have a slight concussion." I agree with him "And he...he" oh god the flash backs of the sexual assaults. How do I say it I can't bring myself to say it. Tears threaten to fall as I look up at him. He turns to me and comforts me with his hand on my arm "I only want to know so I can help you and keep you safe. I would feel better taking you to a hospital. But you've been through enough so Im accepting your wishes" he soothes.
I take a deep breath " he's raped me the last few days. And tonight." My lip trembles as I try and find my words. "I'm hurting but I will be ok, it's happened before so I know I'll be ok...." I finish, his knuckles are white from his grip on the stearing wheel. I can hear him trying to steady his breathing. I go to speak again but he beats me to it "your safe now. I won't let him hurt you again. If you feel you need to see a Docter or you need anything please just ask and I will get you what you need." He finishes with a weak smile.

As I drift off to sleep my thoughts are of Axel and how he is my knight in shining armour. I must find a way to repay him.

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