Chapter 6

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Axels POV...

It's been 3 days since I last heard anything from Amethyst, I'm starting to worry. I can't text her because of her getting caught, she even told me not to reply to the message she sent the other day. And I can't just show up at her door either because I drove there yesterday and her husbands car was in the drive, tried again today and its still there. I don't know what else to do without causing suspicion and getting her in trouble. I would call the police but she asked me not to no matter what. I have to think of something.

I haven't been able to focus on work all day properly, because all I can think about is what if she needs help, what if he's hurt her real bad etc etc I just need to think of something, I'm going to call her I have to I can say I have the wrong number or something I just need to know she's OK.
And as if by some miracle as I'm about to press the call button a message pops up from her.
Saying "it's a long story and she will explain but do I still want to help her and if I do can I be waiting for her in my car parked down the next street over at 1am"
What the hell is going on, of course I still want to help her. Why at 1am, and  then it clicked. He won't let her leave. That's why his cars always there. He hadn't been going to work. He's keeping her hostage. I should just go there and demand he let's her go, but who am I to do such a thing. I wouldn't have a leg to stand on.

Time is going so fucking slowly today. She messaged me at 2.48pm and it feels like it's been hours and hours but it's only 7.15pm. I plan to do abit of shopping when I leave work at 8pm, just to grab a few essentials for Amethyst, just incase she doesn't get a chance to grab the things she needs and I could so with doing a food shop anyway.
It's some time after 8pm and I've been down the toiletries alse for I don't know how long looking at all the different women's products there are and I haven't the slightest idea what I'm doing. I'm going to need help. Looking for the right lady to approach takes a few minutes, finally I settle on a women, she's a mature lady but I figured she would have had time to find out the best products to use and what not. "excuse me miss, I was wondering if you could help me"
She looked up and she had the sweetest smile "I'll try my best to help, what is it I can help with?" I thought for a second, what is the best way to explain my situation..... "my er sister is coming to stay with me and she doesn't have any toiletries with her. I wanted to pick some bits up for her, but I have no idea what a a lady would need" she chuckles and puts her hand on my arm and says "say no more sweetheart, I can show you what she'll need. These things ain't cheap tho" she laughs again. "what's the budget dear?" she asks. "price isn't a problem" I tell her.

After about 20 minutes my basket was full with everything she would need and more. The lady was very sweet, I couldn't thank her enough. I have all types of creams, soaps, body sprays, serums the lot. Now I just had to grab some food then I could get it all home and get showered and ready to wait for Amethyst. I don't know what food she likes so I just grab basic things and take random guesses on some things. Like wine she must like wine, right? And I get fruit because everyone likes some type of fruit. I walk past the flowers and stop, should I get her flowers. No no that's ludicrous, it's not a date. She's running from her abusive husband, for fuck sake Axel get a grip.

Finally I get home, feel like I spent hours in the supermarket! I've put everything away in the kitchen. So I make my way to the guest room to get it ready for Amethyst and put all the new things in the bathroom. Then head to my room to get cleaned up.
By time I'm done it's nearly 11pm. Damn it still so long to wait. What can I do to busy myself.

I decided to leave early and wait for Amethyst, just incase she left early. I wanted to be here ready. I hope she's ok. Its 12.38am not long now, I'm so nervous I can't stop my leg jigging. Every slight bit of movement has me whipping my head this way and that, just incase it's her. This is ridiculous. I'm crazy aren't I. Obsessing over I women I don't even know.

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