chapter 9

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I don't know how long it went on for I still haven't opened my eyes. I'm just curled into the fetal position. He's sat on the edge of the bed breathing heavy. It's not long before I feel the bed move and hear him go downstairs. I slowly open my eyes to look at the time its 1.49am. Will Axel still be waiting. How am I even going to get out of here now. I feel so defeated. Fresh hot tears spill. I need to get some trousers on, I turn to get up and oh my god the pain. I hurt everywhere. As I stand I feel dizzy and have to steady myself. I hear Jerry coming back up the stairs, he doesn't look at me just walks into the bedroom. He's holding a bottle of whiskey. And rope! Why does he have rope, what's he going to do. I slowly go to start walking to the bathroom. He grabs me by the arm and pushes me back on the bed. He looks me dead in the eye and says " I told you, you're not going anywhere." He shakes the rope at me. He's going to tie me up. I really am never leaving. I feel so sick. Even if Axel waits I'm never going to get to him. I have two choices I either give up and just let him tie me up or I try and fight and get out of here.
I avoid his eyes and look around the room. My phone's smashed to pieces. The bat is on the floor, hes put the whiskey on the bedside table and climbs on to the bed. "Now how should I do this, hands above your head or one on each post"

"Jerry please, no no no you don't have to do this. I won't leave." I plea
He doesn't say anything he just climbs on the bed as i frantically move up the bed away from him, he just crawls towards me untangling the rope. This is it, it's now or never. I take a few deep breaths and then spring myself up and make a leap of the bed. I somehow make it, he tries to grab me but due to his drunken state he's sloppy and he misses me. I grab the bat and run down the stairs. Missing the last few steps as I look back and see Jerry isnt far behind me. I land with a hard thud. "Amethyst fucking stop" he shouts. I struggle to get to my feet. I'm inches from the front door and he grabs me around my waist, pulling me back, I struggle and fight back and my fingers just slip off the latch on the door. He drags me to the living room. As he pushed me away from him I turn and swing the bat hoping I can hit him. But I miss. And he charges at me and gets the bat from my grip. Throwing it behind him. "Get off me, don't touch me" I scream, he covers my mouth with his hand shushing me.

He takes his hand away from my mouth and calmly says "now be a good girl and don't scream like that again. Don't wanna disturb the neighbors. If you do it again I'm going to have to shut you up myself" I take a few steady breaths and scream with all my might "HELP SOMEONE HELP ME" he punches me in the stomach I fall to the floor trying to breath on my hands and knees, I can't seem to catch my breath. He circles me then kicks me in the ribs I scream in pain and grasp for breath while dropping to my side all the while struggling to suck in a decent breath he's gone from my line of sight then I feel a kick to my back. My back arches and I go to scream but my throat is dry and raw. He grabs me by the hair pulls me up and slaps me across the face. "Now look what you made me do." He snarls. He drags me to my feet. Slaps me again. I try and fight back hitting him and pushing. Before I know it he has me around the throat and I'm on the floor he slaps me again. Before he starts to shake me and my head repeatedly hits the floor. My nose is burning, ears ringing, vision is fading. This is it he's going to kill me. This is how I die. "Amethyst" I hear Axel say my name. I feel a warmth inside. My last thoughts will be of him. Remembering his blue eyes, his soft touch...

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