Chapter 9: Old Friends

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"Gah, its all gone to shit!" "My plans are falling apart! I need to fix this, my legacy needs to be wiped clean!" "If I get sued a second time I'll go bankrupt! The police are investigating! If you need a job done right..."     

"Clark you're sure we might find another one?" "I'm sure, this was a very reliable lead anyway." "I've found something!" Another worker said before revealing a extremely broken down animatronic among the wreckage of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. The bear had a very faint glint in its eyes, as if it was on the edge of shutting down, permantly. "Get the mechanics! If we don't move now he'll be deactivated indefinitly!"

Three weeks after the events of Chapter 8

Clara walked in to once another nightshift, things were going great for her, she had a house now; her debts were paid off and she was elated. This time she was met by a phone call instead of her lover, which was bit odd, ever since they're first kiss Springtrap was always here when she got to her office. She shrugged it off, he didn't ALWAYS need to be here, she picked up the phone. "Hey Clara, Clark here. We have found an amazing discovery! We found another one a REAL one, we believe him to be fredbear, he was in a much worse condition when we found Springtrap; but we had much better funds to boot! I won't waste your time just make sure he's alright, your a bit better with emotionly handling the animatronics so I'll leave you to it, goodnight!" Clara was worried now, were was Springtrap? She checked the cams, but there was a camera error, she shifted to the restart menu.

And saw the animatronic there, in the same position leaning against the far left, he seemed alot less surreal this time though. "How the?" "Relax, its alright, I don't blame you for being startled now.'' ''Do you know where Sprin-" "check cam 8." Clara quickly checked and Springtrap was there, examining the body of the golden bear, he was lying limp under the balloon boy drawing. "This is beyond logic, how are you in there, but also here?" "I'll get to you in a moment" was all he said before vanishing.

Suddenly on cam 8 Fredbear's eyes gained two white pupils, and he stood up. Springtrap seemed abit scared for a moment, before Fredbear reassured him, and gestured towards the camera. Clara spoke into the microphone "if your both done talking, meet me in my office, it's story time, Fredbear. Both of the animatronics nodded, before walking towards the office.

"Start talking, most of this defies reason, I need answers, I'm sure Springtrap also has some questions too" Springtrap visibly nodded. "Alright, It began wit-" the bell chimed 6:00 AM and Clara had no choice but to leave. "I think it's fair enough I tell you about it tomorrow, it is a long story after all" Fredbear said solomnly.

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