Chapter 7: Break in

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Clara woke up the the sound of her mobile ringing. "Hello?" she answered groggily "Hey Clara, its Sam here." "Oh! how is the job going, is your boss still an ass like he was before he fired me?" "About that, I quit." "I'm not surprised, he was an ass, you get a new job?" "Yeah, I work as the day guard now, since Clark told me you work as the night guard I figured I do you a little favor." "What do you mean? You really don't need to repay me at all." "Don't worry, you'll see my little 'gift' later." He then hung up.

As Clara unlocked the back door she wondered what surprise Sam had for her. As she got in to her office she noticed a note on her chair. "Look in the desk for my gift, it speaks for itself." Clara eagerly opened the drawer  and what she found made her gasp. It was a police issued taser with three charges, it seemed custom made too. She found herself admiring it "he really knows how to treat a lady that packs a punch" she said, pure happiness in her voice.

"Whats that?" Springtrap asked timidly. "Oh nothing" she said quietly before slipping it into the holster that game with the taser. "Did you see the new day guard?" she said while checking the cams. "Yeah, you know him? He seems nice." "He's an old friend, be nice to him." "I already was, I met him and he seemed a bit shocked after I spoke." "Well you aren't paticularly normal, or unfrightening." "I miss the days when the kids would smile at me, I wish this was made to make kids smile, not scare them" he said fondly.

3:45 AM

The night had went well for Clara, she and Springtrap had done the buddy system, with Springtrap always rebooting anything that went offline. Suddenly, all systems went off at the right at the same time and the system reboot menu shut off. They both heard glass breaking at the far end of the building. "Springtrap watch the doors and window, I need to a full system restart!" Clara whisper-yelled before doing a 180 and restarting the generator. Springtrap simply nodded and watched. The systems kicked online and the computers on the desk warned her as the lights silently flashed red. SYSTEM HACKED, FULL RESTART REQUIRED. "Dang it! These guys are professionals, lets go" Clara said before checking her taser.

"Anything of importance? We need to erase all evidence of this place ever existing" a man said while Clara hid nearby. There were three well armed hostiles with small scale flame throwers and silenced, custom built pistols of unknown make. "Ready? go!" Clara whispered before firing a charge at one of the men while Springtrap punch a man in the head, knocking him out. "Who?" was all the leader managed before Clara pistol whipped him and took his gun away while Springtrap held him firmly. "Gah! I was getting to get payed so much for doing this job" he struggled. "Who do you work for!"  Clara said, furious at whoever had sent this man. "Go to hell, you have no idea what he'd do to me if I told you!" "Hold him, I'll call for help" Clara said, grabbing her phone.

"So thats what happened?" Clark asked Clara, who was currently sitting in her office. "Yeah, I own it to Springtrap, if he wasn't here I wouldn't know how to take out all three at once." "Well Clara, I'm going to offically promote you to head guard as I don't know anyone else who would be good enough for the job." "Thank you! Does anything really change?'' "Only one thing and that is you can change if you want to do the dayshift or nightshift at anytime and you get a little gift from me when the place opens next week." "Thanks I should be going now, anything else?" "One thing, here you go" Clark said while handing Clara a check. It had 1,332$ on it "Thanks, I'll be going now, goodbye" was all Clara said before leaving the building.

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