Chapter 21: Any last words?

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4 months later


Staring up at the ceiling, I clenched the stress ball I had bought for myself.

After months of training and learning how to use weapons, it was as if I had unlocked a new found anger inside of me.

I had decided to not to tell anyone about it as I know it's apart of growing up.

Day in and day out I'd watch Lucy grow surrounded by love and happiness, but I felt myself get consumed by the darkness.

Throwing the ball at the wall, I got up from my bed and walked back to my desk.

Chugging down the cup of cold coffee, I opened my laptop and trembled at the picture of the false tabloid.

Adam Lyons.

A man of wealth, charity work and successful in the world of business. How fake it was.

Minimising the screen to half the page, I minimised the other web page I had found and stared at them both intently.

Adam's so called professional smile now looked sinister next to the web page of the bloodied bodies of my parents that I had managed to retrieve from the police case file. As well as training, I had also been getting secret lessons on hacking.

I wanted to know anything and everything about this new world. James was going too slow. I wanted revenge now. I wanted Lucy safe at all times.

Examining the lifeless faces of mum, dad and all the staff they had murdered, I zoomed in on Adam's face and made sure to assess every little detail from wrinkles to the way the corners of his mouth lifted. 

Looking back at the bloodied bodies of my parents, I quickly attached my USB and connected it to my printer.

Clicking print on my laptop, I grabbed the papers with haste and shoved it into a paper wallet before laying it down on the floor.

Getting down onto my stomach, I pulled out a large case from underneath the bed and picked up the growing folder.

Leaning against my desk, I flicked through the red folder with pages and pages of details of Adam Lyons. 

His business associates, family history, medical history and killings. I wanted to know this man better than he knew himself and destroy him little by little.

Slipping the newest page at the back of the folder, I closed the folder and placed it back in the large case before I turned my attention to the weapons I had stolen and hidden.

James had no idea of what I had done. I knew he'd fight me against it saying we had guards to protect us. But the truth was that I didn't trust anyone except for Lucy, Maria, James and Isabella.

People were like snakes. They are deceiving, cunning and can easily turn on their own. 

Slamming the case shut, I rushed back over to my laptop on hearing an email notification from a contact. 

Clicking open the email with haste, I leaned in and frowned at the small words.

"Here's their names, addresses and current location".

Smiling in satisfaction, I quickly typed a short reply.

"Excellent. I'll transfer the money once it's done".

Shutting my laptop in excitement, I cocked my head to the side, the desire of revenge was becoming unbearable.

Pulling the case out once more, I grabbed my weapons and shoved them into my pocket knowing what had to be done.

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