Chapter 26: Paranoia

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Tucking Lucy back under the cover for the 12th time, I smiled at her as she slept with her mouth wide open and drool on the pillow in the large king sized bed.

She was completely wiped out from the chaotic but amazing day at Disneyland. And she needed rest for the next day which would only just be as busy.

Ensuring she was warm enough, I turned back to my laptop that I had secretly taken with me. As well as studying at school, I was also taking up the responsibilities of taking over the gang my father led. I had reconnected with all the guards we had working for us and was making remarkable progress. 

Adam had gone underground, hiding in fear of the man I had become. He wasn't expecting me to be under the wing of the infamous James Richardson. He underestimated me and now was trembling at the thought of what I had become.

James had warned me not to get involved in this lifestyle and to focus on school and Lucy, but I simply couldn't. Lucy was my life and Adam knew it for sure. 

My life was over for the sake of Lucy's, but I didn't give a shit. Life had been cruel, but Lucy was the only thing I was living for. 

Clicking open the email sent from one of the best hackers in the country, I smirked at the blueprints that had been sent.

'Adam's weapon base in Cornwall port'

Smiling at all the details below, I couldn't help but get excited at all the prospects of what I could do with this information. 

Of course, I was still new to the world of gangs, but I wanted to seize the opportunity. I had to strike, but I needed to do it without James' knowledge.

Quickly replying to the email, I picked up my phone to see it read 2am. 

I wasn't even tired yet, the adrenaline was flowing through my body from the email I just received.

But as I went to continue working, Lucy tossed and turned in the large bed, her eyes scrunched up tightly before crying loudly in her sleep.

Slamming my laptop shut and placing it down on the bedside table, I climbed into bed and threw the duvet on top of me before wrapping my restless sister in my arms, unwilling to ever let her go.

"Lucy! Baby, shhhhh it's okay. I'm here. Dean is here" I whispered into her ear as I gently stroked my finger down her nose.

Watching her cry in her sleep was breaking me and this was happening more and more. The psychotherapist said that night terrors was always a risk because of the trauma she endured as a child. But there was not a lot I could do except hold her until she settled.

"It's alright baby, I'm right here" I continued whispering before kissing her on top of her head.

Realising I had been putting my thirst for revenge over Lucy, I hugged Lucy tight and rested beside her.

As soon as I settled next to her, Lucy stopped shaking and her loud cries became little sniffles as she unconsciously snuggled herself into me.

Continuing to stroke her beautiful hair, I shut my eyes even though I felt no tiredness and somehow in my adrenaline fuelled state, I succumbed to sleep.


The next morning

"That one"

Walking Lucy around the large buffet, I held her plate in my hands following after her.

Even though Lucy said she could do it herself, James had painted her nails and I had done her hair as it was day 2 of being a Princess and I didn't want to her to spoil her beauty treatments.

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