Chapter 29: What's the point?

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Hey, sorry for the long wait. Trying to catch up. Sorry for any errors.


Putting the milk back in the fridge, I slipped a couple of cookies in my dressing gown pocket before leaving the dark kitchen with my mug of warm milk.

I usually loved sleep, but Netflix had just added Grey's anatomy so bye bye sleep.

Dean wouldn't be happy with me watching it. He says he doesn't like me watching those shows because there's blood and surgery scenes. He'd rather me watch shows like Peppa pig or Brum the little yellow car.

Pft, yeah right!

He just can't stand the idea of me growing up to be the boss of this house.

Climbing up the stairs, I turned to the direction of my room only to step and see the light on in the office with the door opened slightly.

Wanting to do my part to save the environment, I walked up to the door and reached in to switch the light off only to find my brother asleep with his head on the desk.

Yikes, that looks uncomfortable.

Wanting him to at least be comfortable whilst he slept, I walked up to his desk and put my cup of milk down before gently poking his head.

"Dean" I whispered, not wanting to scare him.

"Dean" I muttered a little louder, shaking his shoulder more forcefully.

"I'm trying, mama" Dean suddenly yelled out before shaking his head in confusion.

I suddenly felt sad knowing Dean was having a dream about mum. I would often try and talk about them to keep the memory of them alive, but Dean would always leave the room and say he was going to work in his office.

"Dean" I whispered again wanting to remind him of where he was.

"What? What's wrong?" he asked as he wiped at his eyes before staring at his watch.

"What the heck are you doing up at this time?" Dean suddenly snapped as he realised it was 2 in the morning. 

"Getting some warm milk, you?" I smiled innocently.

Dean stared at me with tired eyes and before I could take a single step back, Dean lifted his hand and shoved it into my pocket.

"Hey! They're mine" I tried getting my cookies back, but Dean shoved them in his mouth before glaring at me.

"Not at 2 in the morning. Now, go to bed" Dean argued before opening up his laptop.

Still feeling angry at Dean for stealing my cookies, I sighed heavily knowing I would have to wait to get my revenge on him. Right now, he also needed bed.

"I'm not going to bed until you go to bed" I stuck my tongue out at him before making my way over to the rocking chair in the corner of his office.

"Lucy, I am not in the mood to entertain you at this hour. I have work to do" Dean groaned as he rested his head on the wooden desk. 

"Don't worry about me, I have Netflix. I can stay awake for hours. And now I have figured out why you're always so grumpy. So, don't mind me" I smiled at Dean as I picked up one of the tablets off the shelf.

"I can't even persuade you with going to McDonald's tomorrow?" Dean tried to get me to change my mind. 

Damn. He's using the McDonald's card. Stay strong Lou.

"Nope. And seeing as you stole my cookies, I am even more stubborn now" I stuck my tongue out at my brother who was getting more and more angry by the second.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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