Chapter 5: Getting help

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"Aw man, we finished it".

"All gone" Lucy muttered as she held up the empty box of raisins and pouted as she looked inside the little box and explored it with her hands.

"I'm sorry my little raisin monster. When we find a shop I'll buy you some more".

Lucy cheered and clapped as she wiggled in the carrier.

"Now, how's about another song? Old Mcdonald or Twinkle Twinkle?".

"Twinkle star" Lucy yelled out as she made the sign of a star.

Before I could even begin, Lucy started to sing and held her arms out as if she was in the star of the show.

Hearing my baby sister sing helped take my mind of the mess that we had escaped from. 

We had been walking for hours through fields, forests and along empty country roads. This was the one thing I didn't like about living in the countryside. 

Everything was so far away.

But we had to keep going. I had to get somewhere safe first, even though I felt my body grow weaker from exhaustion, Lucy was the reason why we couldn't stop.

"Are you thirsty baby girl?".

"YES" she screamed out into the large empty field scaring away all the birds.

"Okay, remember what I taught you. I'll hold the bottle".

Carefully lifting the bottle up to her lips, Lucy tilted her head back and took a few big gulps.

Screwing the lid back on the bottle, I placed the bottle back into the side of my rucksack and picked up all the bags I had momentarily placed on the floor.

Looking up at the opposite side of the field we had been walking in for ages, I saw many buildings with tons of people walking around.

We had made it.

"We're going to be okay. We're safe now".

Lucy had no clue as to what happened and I dreaded the day she'd start asking for mum and dad. How was I supposed to tell her that mum and dad were gone and were never coming back.


"Excuse me, can you help us".

A stern looking man lent down and stared at me intensely before asking what it is I wanted.

"I, we-"

Looking down at Lucy who was happily babbling away to herself as she read her favourite book, I placed my hands over her ears so she wouldn't understand what I was saying.

I know she was only 2, but she was smart for her age.

"Our parents were killed right in front of us".

The police officer's eyes widened and gestured for another man to escort us to a more private room.

Walking through the eerie hallways of the police station, I followed quickly behind him not wanting to spend another minute in this intimidating place.

A/N: I have tried to make the police interview stage realistic. I have done some research, but if it's the incorrect procedure or it's not actually how they do things, then please forgive me. I tried. 

The man opened up a door and allowed us to walk in first. Holding Lucy tightly I walked up to one of the chairs situated around a small desk and sat myself down in it.

"Before I begin, I need to make you aware that we will be videoing this interview, is this alright with you?". I nodded not caring about anything anymore. I just needed to tell the police everything.

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