Chapter 13: Happy birthday

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"Are you ready to open your eyes baby?".

"YESSSSSSS" she whined as she tried pulling my hands away from her eyes.

"Patience Lucy" I whispered into her ear, but it only made her whine louder.

"Come on Dee Dee, let her see".

I turned back to James and glared at him for calling me by the nickname that was authorised only to be used by Lucy. 

Turning back to Lucy, I kissed her on her cheek and lent towards her ear.

"Ready. 1, 2, 3".

Pulling my hands away from her face, I took a step back and watched as Lucy's eyes widened and her little mouth dropped open.


I took a step back next to James who was holding Isabella tightly and watched as Lucy ran around their back garden that was decorated with pink balloons, pink banners and full of animals in a mobile petting zoo.

"Thank you" I whispered to James who was watching Lucy with the biggest smile on his face.

"You don't need to thank us" he whispered back before turning back to Lucy who was running between all the animals squealing at them.

James and Isabella had gone above and beyond for Lucy. Even though I had told James it was Lucy's birthday yesterday, I was suspicious that he already knew it would be her birthday today.

I felt terrible for how much money they had spent on her, but seeing her giggling and caring for the animals erased all my negative feelings. 

I just felt bad that I couldn't get her anything.

Lucy turned back at me as she stroked the donkey and smiled.

Tears pricked at my eyes as she rambled to the woman who was looking after the pen with the pretty white pony inside of it.

"Here, this is for you. It will definitely come in handy for you".

Looking at James, I looked down to see a DSLR camera with a gold bow on it in his hands.

"I-I can't accept this. It's too much" I protested and tried to push his hands away.

"Don't be silly, you can and you will. Life is short, capture the moments and remember them forever".

James placed the camera in my hands and before I could give it back to him, he pulled Isabella away with him and walked towards Lucy waving at her as she rode on the pony.

Staring down at the expensive, I quickly wiped away a tear that dripped down my cheek before looking up at Lucy who was giggling as the pony shook it's head.

"I hope you're proud of me mum and dad" I whispered before turning on the camera.

Taking a few minutes to explore the camera and it's features, I took a few grass shots to get the hang of it. It was amazing quality.

"Deeeeee, look at meeeeee".

Looking up at Lucy who was now sitting on Isabella's lap and helping to feed a bottle of milk to a little lamb, she waved at me and shouted for me to come over. I couldn't keep up with this excitable 3 year old.

With my camera securely in my hold, I walked over to Lucy and our second family and started taking pictures of the happiest 3 year old anyone could ever see.


"Make a wish sweetheart".

James tightened his arms around Isabella and rested his chin on top of her head as they stared at Lucy with love. The same way our parents would stare at us.

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