Chapter 4: Run away

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We had been hidden away in the cupboard for hours now. 

The men searched through the house laughing as they took things before leaving loudly.

Lucy had cried for ages with my hand gently muffling the volume of it, but she soon enough she cried herself to sleep, her body jolting with little hiccups as I held her tightly against my body humming a gentle song to her to calm her down.

Even though the house had been silent for ages, I didn't know what to do or where to go. 

What if they come back? What if they haven't really gone and are waiting for us to come out.

But I knew we had to come out eventually. We needed to leave and go somewhere else.

Staring down at Lucy who was passed out in my arms, I carefully unlocked the door from the inside and pushed it open slowly with my foot.

Holding Lucy tightly in my grip, I carefully shuffled out of the small cupboard and stood up in my bedroom pleased that Lucy was still sleeping soundly.

Gently laying her down on my bed, I pulled away from her and looked down at the pool of blood from where our mum was shot and killed.

Closing my eyes tightly desperately wanting to erase the memory of what I had seen, I held on tightly to the chest of drawers and cried.

I had tried to be strong, just like my mum had told me to be, but how was I supposed to get over this. How the hell was I supposed take care of Lucy. She was a 2 year old with a bleak future ahead of her. She needed security, more importantly she needed her parents. But now she only had me.

Wiping away my tears, I rushed around my room and grabbed 3 big bags and placed them on the foot of my bed.

Quietly walking around the room, I quickly emptied my drawers and shoved in as many clothes as I could in 1 bag. 

I made sure to pack essentials like my pocket money that I had been saving for years, my baseball bat for protection and my treasured photo frame of my family.

Zipping the bag up, I threw it over my shoulder and grabbed the 2 other bags.

Scooping Lucy up in my arms, I left the room I had slept in all my life and walked along the hallway.

Looking over the banister, I checked to see if there was any movement or any noises coming from downstairs.

But it was silent now.

Running into Lucy's room, I placed her on her bed and put the bags down on the bed. Rushing around the room, I emptied her wardrobe ensuring she had clothes for all types of weather and made sure to pack her favourite toys, books and her blanket. She never left her blanket and I sure as hell wouldn't let her ever be without the one thing that brought her comfort.

Ensuring I had everything she'd need for the time being, I zipped that bag up and threw it over my shoulder. 

Groaning at the weight of the two heavy bags, I lifted up my sleeping sister and carried her out of her room before heading towards my father's office.

He always told me that if anything happened, there was a red box in the bottom draw in his cupboard that contained everything I should need in case of an emergency. Now was that emergency.

Placing Lucy on my hip, I crouched down and opened up the bottom drawer.

Pulling out the red box, I shrugged the bags off my shoulder and sat down on the sofa with Lucy still fast asleep.

Opening up the box, I found my passport, this address on a piece of paper, an envelope full of money, phone numbers and another address with a key attached to it.

Shoving it all into my rucksack, I checked I had my phone on me before hurrying out with Lucy and the bags.

Lucy started to stir as I cautiously walked into the kitchen, but I didn't want her to wake, not when there were blood and bodies all over the floor.

Humming her favourite lullaby, Lucy's eyes fell shut again and her little snores echoed into my ear bringing comfort to me as I knew she was going to be okay.

Raiding the cupboards for foods that would last a long time, I placed as many things as I could find in the last remaining bag and made sure we had plenty of water. I had no idea how long we'd be on the road for, but I had to make sure Lucy had more than enough.

Picking up the three bags and throwing them back over my shoulder, we left the kitchen quickly in case any of the men came back.

I had to get help. I had to go to the police. But the nearest station was miles away and I didn't want the police to talk to us here, it was too painful to spend another minute here. We had to get somewhere safe first.

Grabbing Lucy's body carrier, I placed Lucy down on the sofa in the foyer and quickly adjusted the straps the way I had seen her do it before.

Mum normally carried Lucy on her back, but I didn't want that. Thankfully with this type, you could change it so that a child could be held on your chest.

Lucy was starting to stir again as I slipped on her thick coat and did all the buttons up. It was starting to get light outside, but we had to get a move on and it was cold in the mornings even though it was the middle of summer.

Putting on my own coat, I placed the carrier over my body and quickly placed a drowsy Lucy into it. Ensuring all the straps were tightened so that Lucy would be secure and comfortable, I picked up all our bags and walked out the open front door.

Tears poured down my cheeks as I looked around at all the dead bodies and trails of blood that littered out front drive.

Lucy started to cry as my slow steady pace started to quicken, desperate to get out of this battle field and to get some help.

Holding Lucy tightly with one hand and the three other bags in the other, I ran along the driveway before crawling under the fence and running through the field of purple flowers that we loved walking through as a family.

But now, we were running through our favourite field of purple flowers, desperate to run away from our home that was full of death and destruction.

"It's going to be okay Lucy, I promise to always keep you safe".

Lucy had fallen back asleep at the steady motion of me running.

I felt like I was about to pass out. A night of little sleep and now I was running for our life. Running to get to safety. Running to try and understand why our parent kind, loving parents were killed.

Slowing down, I reached into my pocket in hopes to call the police on my mobile now that we were at a safe distance.


My phone was completely dead and I had no charger let alone anywhere to charge it.

I had to find help. I had to find a payphone or anything.

Shoving my phone back into my pocket, I picked up one of the water bottles from the bag and gulped down half a bottle.

Gasping out for breath, I looked down and to my surprise Lucy was looking up at me with wide eyes.

"Hey baby girl, here have some water. It's just like a cup".

Holding the bottle to her lips, Lucy titled her head back and began to take small sips of the water.

"That's it. Now we need to keep moving, but I'm right here okay. How about I sing you some songs to make you feel better, hmm?".

:'( Dean.

People are going to have a much better insight into how much Dean actually did for Lucy and what he had to do to stay alive.

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