The Mushgrimm Reaper's Potion

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Back at the witch hut, following the next day, inside the bedroom, Annabelle drifted asleep on her bed, having to sell her potions to the first clients she could find, and her mouth drooped with salivas around her face. On her bed, the five small black kittens accompanied by a small mouse pup climb came out of nowhere meowing at her and awakening her when her eyes weakly opened wide to see her black kittens and the baby mouse meowing and squeaking at her and she smiled.

"Oh hello, kitties." smiled Annabelle, they were three male kittens who have different names such as the first was Tom, the second was Butch, and finally Robin but the two female kittens are Sue and Margaret. "Okay, Margaret, where is your mommy," she asked her black kittens about their mother, and she saw there was a black cat on the window staring at her and meowing softly.

"Carrie!" cheered Annabelle, an owl floating onto Annabelle's shoulders and cooing at her, "You too.".

Outside of the witch hut, Annabelle was with the five kittens and Carrie, she put five food bowls on the ground, poured some cat food, and then filled the milk so the kittens went to eat their food and drink milk while meowing and Annabelle look at her kittens before she went off to harvest the mushroom corps by her own while Carrie watches over her kittens.

Back at the magic mushroom crops, tons of white nepenthe plants looked unlike magic mushrooms, and there, Agnes approached the crops and obtained one of them before she headed inside the hut. Inside the witch hut, Annabelle was organizing the empty bottles on the tables one by one as Agnes was in the cauldron with the mushrooms, dropping them onto the giant pot and stirring them quickly and gently.

"What's this?" asked Annabelle, confused.

"I hope that could be Minion of Darkness, it can bring anyone from the dead back to life again." decided Agnes, manically as she laughed while stirring the cauldron that bubbles around. Soon, the cauldron bubbles levitate up from the white-grey substances away before they pop out fading. Now, that the potion was ready, Agnes took out an empty vial bottle in her right hand and scooped the potion full before sealing it with a cork.

"Wow!" impressed Annabelle.

"Of course, it can restore their health importantly and it will save them from injury, harm, and death." demonstrated Agnes, offering the Minion of Darkness potion to Annabelle.

"Oh well, here goes." suspicious Annabelle, reaches her hand to the vial and takes it. With the vial with her, Annabelle marched toward the door, opened it, and went out before she closed it, looking for any client who could be.

Somewhere in the road, a dead possum was lying on the road with a wheel track mark on its chest, it is implied that the possum was struck by a car running over it and left it for dead. The possum was later approached by an arriving Annabelle who appeared on the road with the vial of the Minion of Darkness potion, removing the cork and dropping a small amount of the potion onto the dead possum, landing on its chest. Suddenly, magic happens when the body of the possum starts to regenerate itself, restoring its own health and the skid marks disappear thus the possum is brought back to life.

"Wow, it's work!" exclaimed Annabelle, seeing the revived possum walk back to the woods to be reunited with its family who was now overjoyed by this.

She knew that the  Minion of Darkness potion worked as well, but Annabelle decided that she would keep making more potions for her clients endlessly. Annabelle spotted another roadkill animal, a dead skunk lying on the road as well, she sped toward the skunk and dropped the potion onto its body again, causing it to be regenerated as the skid marks disappeared once again and the skunk came back to life but also it sprays at Annabelle, making her stink and walks away, leaving her behind.

"Ewww..." disgusted Annabelle, being sprayed by a skunk spray, and flies off to another place to find more clients she finds.

The Children's Hospital was filled with hospitalized children diagnosed with cancers, even when they got balded due to tumors, they were lying on the electric hospital beds one by one. Just then, a door was left open and Annabelle came inside the room and poured some drops over the children's bodies, reviving and curing them while regrowing their hair back they realized that it was a witch vampire who saved their lives with her potion.

"Thank you, witch vampire, what could we repay you for curing us." asked the black boy with black afro hair.

"Really?" thought Annabelle, she was approached by doctors and nurses marching inside, having been overjoyed by the children being healthy and happy and giving her their gratitude for saving the children with the potions, they lifted her in the air and cheered for her as the lifesaver, making her realizes that the potions were the only purpose she really had and decide to make the world happy and healed once and for all. She remembers one year ago her grandmother was actually murdered by a museum actor, Joseph Hardcastle who broke his ancestral curse by killing her to survive, it is revealed that Annabelle has been watched by the ghost of her late grandmother therefore Anna decided to revive her grandmother back to life for sure and she heads back home to bring her grandmother back.

Back at the witch hut, the cats, the mouse, and the owl were on the bed waiting for Annabelle to come back for her to stay. The owl cooing at the mother black snarled at him in anger and the five kittens were playing with the mouse baby. the door was suddenly opened by Annabelle returned home and her pets were excited to see Annabelle appear in her bedroom.

"Did you all miss me," asked Annabelle, she was accompanied by a resurrected Agnes in a human form approached behind her.

"Well done, Belle. The poison work on every roadkill animal you see, even the children who got cancer and brought me back to life." impressed Agnes, passionately.

"Thank you, Agnes." sighed Annabelle.

"I know sweetie, there is still hope to bring your family back together." comforted Agnes, patting her granddaughter's back gently and making Annabelle lean to hug her grandmother.

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