The Cowboy's Cheese

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Spring Fields, an agricultural district and a place for farming and other animals, at the cattle farm, there were cows everywhere somewhere and the Jones family arrives at the market and they look around some cows, Scott and Ryan were amazed by some castles while Jone covers his nose from smelling them.

"Dad, your friend invite us to the farm ever since," said Ryan.

"Yeah, but I still like cheeses," said Jones, despite the smells of the cheeses.

"And I don't like country music, it sounds stupid." disgusted Annabelle, covering her ears.

"Come on, babe, there's fun as a cowboy," said Luke, he spotted the two neighboring cheese stalls on the markets and there were two cheese sellers who fought each other by selling their cheeses.

"Wait, I know them, they're friends." recognized Jones.

There, a Scottish but  British-American Tallulah Shropshire and her former friend-turned-rival, an African-American Debby Gideon. They keep bickering and bickering each other, arguing and arguing too much which annoyed Annabelle to get to stress about this and she cannot take it anymore. Suddenly, while working on selling their cheese, the rivals felt that something was wrong with their bodies that causes the cramps and they collapsed.

"Oh, my hips!" grunted Debby.

"Did you say cramps!" spoken Annabelle, excited. she pulls out a bucket of an edible magic mushroom with a big golden round-holed cheese for a cap and white stems. "This is the job for Cheese Mushrooms, it will cure the calcium deficiency on one condition, if you ever fight over these new products, you both are in big trouble."

"Okay." agreed the rivals, sighing regretfully, and take the potions offered by Annabelle and took sips of them, taking the side effects that heal their calcium deficiencies instantly.

"Hey, we're cured!" exclaimed Tallulah, happily.

"And here are your new products as a prize, in one condition, you must work together at your new stall emerging their own into one, Cowboy's Cheese stall." declared Annabelle, giving the basket of Cheese Mushrooms to the rivals and therefore she will make them her employees if they work together again.

"Ugh fine!" grumped the rivals, accepting their new lives as Annabelle's employees.

At the moment, Debby and Tallulah are now working for Annabelle as an atonement for their bickering the result of disciplinary ways, they are selling the Cheese mushroom medicines and Cheese mushroom potions for medications, the rivals were dressed in cowgirls outfits as the symbols of uniforms which means it was the only hope to restores their friendship once the and for all, they were approached by some of the first customers who suffer from the same calcium deficiency.

"So, did you lie to try our new products, the Cowboy's Cheese products, the medications for calcium deficiency? Here have some." offered Debby, holding a bowl of Cheese Mushrooms to her and Tallulah's first customer.

"Okay." grunted the old lady, picking one of the cheese mushrooms and taking a bite of it, which her calcium deficiency instantly cured, "Hey, not bad, we can but."

"Yeah, it's limited editions, traditions, get it and buy it before it's too late," announced Annabelle.

Soon, the customers happily scream in excitement about the new products that were magical and exist and Debby and Tallulah discover that they have a true friendship between love and faith, they decided to change their minds about resuming their old lives as rivals and work together once again which they were now working for Annabelle for support and teamwork. The customers goes to the marketing at the Cowboy's Cheese stall joyfully and delightfully with the excitement of magical cheese mushrooms.

During the time they spent together passionately and friendly as ever they are, Debby and  Tallulah kept selling the cheese mushrooms medications to their own beloved customers who admired them with love and kindness and earned all of the money they got, their hardworking started to grow more love and friendship than fighting each other and they started their own new lives together. As long as they spend time together forever, Debby and Tallulah's new business started to grow so fast and quickly as they make all of the money and sold all of the cheese mushrooms to help those cure their calcium deficiency immediately.

As Debby and Tallulah are busy selling their new products to the customers, Scott and Ryan goes to aid them in need by attracting more customers with cowboy outfits and skills that impressed them easily and all of the kids like cowboys so they goes to the Cowboy's Cheese stall and buy all of the edible cheese mushrooms as the medicine they like, tasting them like candies. Debby and Tallulah are impressed that Scott and Ryan are helping them in their own business and earn some money while supporting Annabelle for her credit as Annabelle was planning to help the rivals get along again and end their rivalry for good.

Afterward, the customers brought all of the cheese mushrooms medications and edible versions of them for kids, Debby and Tallulah finally have all of the money they have, and Scott and Ryan were given half of the money as a reward for attracting the customers by Debby who thanks them for all of their help. Annabelle was very grateful that she was able to end the feud between the old college friends and rivals, she gathered all of her cheese mushrooms with her and obtains all of the money for herself.

"Mrs. Leek! What are you gonna do without the cheese mushrooms?" asked Tallulah, worried about her and Debby's business can't go without cheese mushrooms.

"Don't worry, from now I'll be your supervisor, therapist, and your perfect boss who was a great disciplinarian, and someday I will be your helper dealer with magic mushrooms and even I sold my magic mushrooms secretly," said Annabelle.

"Thank you for bringing our friendship back." smiled Tallulah, gratefully she turns to her former rival and now best friend, "I'm so sorry for calling a  man-stealing cow ever since." she apologized to her college friend for accusing her of stealing her first boyfriend, the girls lead to embraces each other friendly and happily thus their old friendship finally come together again.

"We did it." smiled  Annabelle, she and the Jones brothers walks away with her money and cheese mushrooms, reunited with Jones and Luke, dressed as the cowboys and riding on the cow that disgusting Jones in the process while still covering his nose again.

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