The Cop and the Burger

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At the Grimsborough Police Department during night time at midnight, Jones was sitting on a chair and working on his assignments, but he suffers from fatigue ever since he had been working on his job, and even though he got more stress he ever could, he collapsed on the table, lying on it and rest until Annabelle approaches him with a new but strange-looking potion in her hand.

"Hey Jones, what a matter?" asked Annabelle, checking if Jones has a problem with his health.

"Yeah..." sighed Jones.

"I know, maybe this would help you out." Annabelle takes out a basket of burger mushrooms.

"What that?" asked Jones, doped.

"Burger Mushroom potion, it helps you cure your fatigue instantly," said Annabelle, she also has a bucket of huge burger-capped, white-stemmed magic mushrooms.

"Wait, is that burger, I see! Burgers!" exclaimed Jones, excitedly.

"No! That was an ingredient for the potion I made it for you," begged Annabelle, "But also, you can eat it after you drink the potion first." she pulls a vial of Burger Mushroom potion and gives it to Jones.

"Here, have a drink," she offered the potion to Jones to drink.

"Why?" confused Jones.

"Go ahead, it would work," said Annabelle, telling Jones that it was okay to drink it potion before eating the mushroom first.

"Okay, fine." sighed Jones, taking the potion from Annabelle and taking a sip of it, affecting him and curing his fatigue. "Hey, not bad, I'm cured!" he was overjoyed.

"I know... But not yet." chuckled Annabelle, she gives a Burger Mushroom to Jones and he takes a bite of it, thus summoning something that can him cure his fatigue; a magical anthropomorphic cheeseburger comes out of nowhere and spots Jones preparing to have a healthy habit to make him strong again.

"Who this," asked Jones.

"It's the Burger Imp, when you eat one magic burger mushroom followed by a magic potion you drink, it will come to life, not even you been hallucinated, but just like the real-life imaginary friend and therapist and health expert, he will help guide the way you were in the proper schedule," explained Annabelle.

"Hi." greeted Burger Imp, waving his hand at Jones to greet him.

"Hello?" confused Jones, in return.

"I know, he will be your health expert," said Annabelle.

"Really?" thought Jones.

"There, only one thing that can make your life easier if you can do healthy habits in routine for one day and 24 hours, and the Burger Imp will help you make you happy and healthy again," advised Annabelle, told Jones the only way to save him from his fatigue is he can have healthy habits in one day and 24 hours with help of Burger Imp.

The next morning at the Jones house at Fairview residence, Jones was sleeping in the bedroom properly, he was woken up by an alarm clock that implied it was 6:00 am. He eats a healthy breakfast such as whole grain bread with raisins and drinks water while Burger Imp shares his breakfast with him, then they went to have a meditation for relaxation. Jones goes on jogging through the neighborhood wearing a fitness outfit in the case and the Burger Imp will be his couch. They went back to Jones's house and do yoga all alone properly and gently just as his sons come forth to see him.

"Dad!" shocked Ryan and Scott looks at him in awe.

Jones was back at his office, working on his duties very fast and patiently where he goes on working again and again while he was accompanied by a cheeseburger working together with him. Back to the house, Jones was cleaning all of his houses using the cleaning equipment he had and cleaning all of the entire rooms he visits. That night again, Jones was at the dining table with a plate of fruits and vegetables on the plate, munching on one of the vegetables, the carrot on the bread, and drinking some tea.

"Hey," asked Burger Imp.

"Yes?" thought Jones.

"My friend Annabelle said that you have to eat an apple!" advised the anthropomorphic cheeseburger, therefore Jones knew that Annabelle's other final advice was the only important thing that save him from his fatigue.

"I'm so sorry, I cannot eat you, you are the one who save." sighed Jones, refusing to eat the anthropomorphic cheeseburger at midnight.

"But why..." sobbed the anthropomorphic cheeseburger.

"I'm so sorry." regretted Jones.

"It's okay. I'll be fine as well." comforted Burger Imp.

The next day, thus Annabelle's advice works almost and Jones was finally cured as well when he woke up in the early morning, fully recovered. He went to the kitchen and eat his healthy breakfast again just as the Burger Imp approaches him, having slowly ceased to exist. After eating all of his healthy foods, Jones was ready to go to work as well only to see that the cheeseburger falling ill.

"Oh no, what have I done..." worried Jones, he picks up the cheeseburger and carried it in his hands, "I'm very sorry about that, I should at you." he apologized to the cheeseburger and Annabelle rushing to see him weeping over the Burger Imp.

"David! No! You have to let him go!" warned Annabelle.

"What!" thought Jones, confused.

"I'm so sorry, it was his duty to help you feel better." regretted Annabelle, she watches as the Burger Imp cease to exist, leaving Jones devastated over the death of the burger.

"Goodbye, Burger Imp..." sobbed Jones, tearfully and guilty.

"I'm so sorry about the burger you love, it's time to move on." regretted Annabelle, approaching Jones to comfort him, "But you should keep on working since the fatigue was finally cured because Burger Imp sacrifice himself you to stay healthy again." she has also spoken Jones with a piece of great good news.

"Really! Thanks!" smiled Jones, he was finally cured of his fatigue.

"I know, but let's go for burgers and fries," said Annabelle, cheering Jones up by saying that she was going to burger and fries to eat.

"Mmmmmm... That sounds delicious!" excited Jones, he and Annabelle march out for the burger they need.

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