The Rejuvenated Mummy

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Back at Luke's house, Annabelle marched inside and was holding a box of a mummified mushroom wrapped in paper and there was a smiling face on it, Luke also accompanied her in business and he still loves her so much. At the same time, there was a mummy named Pharaoh Sephtah VI who was tied up as the test subject where Annabelle come and prepares to test the potion on the mummy.

"Please... I... don't..." begged Sephtah VI, but he has forced to chug the potion which caused him to rejuvenate into a young man still in some wrappers and bandages around his body but he has given him some clothes, "What happening to me." he was unhappy surprised.

"It's Mummy mushroom, a cure for facial wrinkles and especially for the de-aging process." demonstrated Annabelle, she chugged the potion into the pharaoh, transforming him into a handsome, young man while all of the wrappers disappear while he was wearing the clothes.

At the same time, in the flower shop, Bucky was walking through the street and came across a box with one potion and a sigh said, "Free Sample". Bucky was confused but he decided to do so, he took a sip of it, and suddenly the effect instantly rejuvenated him into a young man with blonde hair, and his scar and wrinkles were gone. Meanwhile, Annabelle was holding a box of Mummy Mushroom potions in her hand only to find that one is missing but to her shock and seeing Bucky was changed into a young man.

"It works!" exclaimed Annabelle.

"Hey, not bad, thanks, kid." thanked Bucky before he walks away.

"Eeeeee....." squealed Annabelle, excited.

Next, at the cattle market, the two best friends, the cheesemakers, Tallulah Shropshire, and her partner, Debby Gideon work at their emerging company, The Cowboy's Cheese. Just then, their scandalous boss Annabelle comes up with the two cups of tea mixed with the Mummy mushroom potions, she offers them to her employees taking sips of them and the effects rejuvenating them into young girls as well.

"I feel young!" exclaimed Tallulah.

"Me too!" exclaimed Debby.

"I know." winked Annabelle, giving the new cowboy uniforms to her employees to wear.

At the RV, Jacob was sitting on the couch and looking at the picture of him, his wife, and their son, Louis Arrow, behind him, was Annabelle holding a syringe containing Mummy Mushroom and injecting him in the neck, causing him to collapse on the floor, his amputated arm grew back, his scar dissolves away and all of the facial wrinkles disappears and his grey hairs change into new just like his brown hair. He turns around to see Annabelle standing behind him with the syringe in front of him.

"Annabelle!" shocked Chief Arrow, but Annabelle flies out of the RV and continues to resume her life as the witch.

At the same time, there was a truck coming out of nowhere and Jones and the cops emerged from it and runs to Luke's house. They busted inside and begin to investigate the scene and search for evidence. Just then, Annabelle arrives with the empty vials inside the box she was holding and finds the cops are in her boyfriend's house.

"Oh no!" scared Annabelle, she saw Jones standing in front of her, holding a gun to threaten her.

"Lady, put your hands in the air!" demanded Jones, forcing Annabelle to raise her hands in the air but instead Annabelle throws the box to Jones, hitting him in the head.

"Never!" said Annabelle, angrily, she runs off while being chased by Jones who tried to arrest her.

She was outside of the house, runs to the ladder, and climbed it up just as Jones follows her around the house. Annabelle was climbing up to the top of the house only to be grabbed by her left leg by Jones who manages to catch her up, she turns back behind, looks down to see Jones, and shrieked fearfully, trying to struggle to get him off of her.

"Not so fast, kid. You are under arrest for performing witchcraft!" shouted Jones, struggling to hold her tightly to stop her from getting away.

"Grrrr...." grunted Annabelle, she pulls out the last potion, tossed it over Jones, and hits him in the face, making him scream in pain but he manages to hold Annabelle even tight. Annabelle felt that her powers were absorbed by Jones' celestial ability to drain her power out of her body and she collapsed on the ladder.

"I got you," smirked Jones, he was able to contain Annabelle and carries her in his arms until Luke showed up with a gun pointing at Jones, threatening him to let his girlfriend go.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" demanded Luke, holding his gun at Jones.

"What?" thought Jones, turning around to see Luke appears but he felt that he slips the ladder so slippers and drops Annabelle off of his hands.

"Belle!" worried Luke, he runs toward his lover as Annabelle was about to fall but is caught in Luke's arms when he caught her in his arms safely, he looks up and saw a screaming Jones falling onto Luke and made him drop Annabelle on the ground. Just then, the pure light of celestial starlight engulfs both of the men, entrapping them inside just as Annabelle wakes up with no memories and her powers were gone, she gets up and saw that her boyfriend was engulfed by light.

"Luke!" exclaimed Annabelle, she runs to check if Jones and Luke were alright only to find that seemingly silhouette of Jones' power shield himself and the unseen strange-looking life-sized toy. "Mr. Jones, Luke." she thought and crawls toward the shelf but to her shock, Jones was been de-aged back to almost early but late twenties, his stumble is gone and his spiky brown hair is styled into the old one. Beside him was an action figure but also was LEGO Minifigure who turned out to be Luke but he still has his skin color.

"Ughhh..." grunted Jones, rubbing his head in pain but finding that the Mummy Mushroom potion has been turned into 26 years of age.

"Uggghhh.... what happened?" grunted Luke, placing his hands on his head.

"Oh... Luke..." worried Annabelle, seeing that Luke has been turned into a LEGO toy and she weeps over his transformation caused by Jones' celestial power.

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