The Lazy Sloth Boy

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Luke was lying on the bed next to Scott, and they are both using their tablets to play their favorite game, Criminal Chase, they are both too bored to do chores so they hang out so lazy, and the RV becomes messy and disheveled all around with garbages and trashes. There, the two young women, Gwen Harper, and her roommate, Hope Newman come inside the RV and see how Scott and Luke make a big mess, they are becoming frustrated with their laziness.

"That's it, we had enough of you both!" frustrated Gwen, but the boys didn't listen to her either and they are too busy to play Criminal Chase, "Grrrrr!!! All I wanted is to make sure that they have to do chores now!" she just wanted to have Luke and Scott doing their own chores.

"Yeah, if only we could teach them a lesson for being the sloth." wondered Hope. Annabelle inserts her hand to get something from her and pulls out a tiny, cute, small sloth-esque magic mushroom out.

"Sloth mushroom, this is a cursed cure for their laziness in one week, it will wear off unless they must learn their important lessons about their responsibilities," said Annabelle, she takes out a potion of Sloth Mushroom and tried to force Luke and Scott to drink it.

Upon hearing her intention of teaching him a lesson as a result of being left, Scott was horrified that he will end up being a maid or janitor to her, even though he was a servant to her so badly, he gets up and runs away in panic, leaving Luke behind unaware of Annabelle's attempt to punish him. Unfortunately for him, he was too late when he didn't know why Scott tried to run away to avoid Annabelle's potion, his mouth was plugged by Annabelle's potion, forcing him to chug all of the potions thus affecting him easily.

"Hey!" thought Luke, suddenly he felt his body magically move and starts to clean up all of the mess around his RV, "Hey, what's happening?" he was shocked to see that he was cursed and blessed with a cure for slothfulness.

"That was your punishment for your lazy and from now on, you are my servant." chuckled Annabelle, gleefully.

"What!" shocked Luke.

Over the door of Annika's house, Annabelle's hand slides to the doorbell, ringing it so Annika comes inside to see Annabelle has brought Luke dressed as a butler. Due to the sloth mushroom's side effect, it also brainwashed Luke as a result of being lazy but now he was mindless and he never does anything he wants. Annika also suddenly finds Luke being mindless and quiet but she was very grateful that she will have him help her with chores.

"Oh Belle, you are so sweet, I thought Luke would be my helper somehow." grateful Annika.

"Of course, he will help you with chores." winked Annabelle, she walks away with Luke was left behind in charge of being Annika's house helper.

Luke was now a servant to Annika as they went inside the house full of mess and garbage, Annika and her animal friends are doing chores with Luke's help. First, Luke was sweeping the floor with a wooden broomstick in his hands and gently brushes all around toward the dust away he collects them with a dustpan and throws them onto the garbage bin, he mops around the floor with a mop and Annika wipes the floors with a white towel. Next, he and Annika are doing laundry with all of the clothes and hanging them on the pole to be dried again.

"Good Job, Luke!" praised Annika.

"Thanks, Annie," responded Luke, still mindless.

As days pass, Luke keeps helping Annika do their chores and hardworking every day and night, but soon side effects started to affect him as he suddenly discovers his true responsibility so he decided to do the right thing by continuing his hardworking and doing his chores. One week later, therefore, the side effect worked and the sloth was cured, this Luke was now fully responsible enough to do the right thing himself.

"Luke." Annabelle comes inside Annika's house and checks if Luke had changed, she eventually discovers that Luke was finally cured and he was staying with Annika with him, she was heartbroken and believes that she has turned him into a monster to her.

"Belle..." shuddered Luke, seeing that he had broken Annabelle's heart and witnessed her running away from her sadly, "Belle...." he sniffed so sadly and he felt guilty about how he treated her like a best friend he care about.

"Luke, what happened." shocked Annika.

"I gotta help Belle." sighed Luke, regrettably.

Annabelle was at her witch hut, sobbing on her bed, facing back on the mattresses with her face laid on the crossed arms followed by a pillow over them. She kept crying and crying all over again as she couldn't bear this romance anymore, she was approached by Luke marching inside her bedroom with a broomstick and sweeping off all of the dust around her, she hears that Luke was sweeping the floor around and turned around to see him.

"Belle, I was wrong, I'm so sorry for being a lazy jerk and I really like to help you in hard work, because I love you more than the bad things I had," confessed Luke.

"Luke..." sniffed Annabelle, wiping her face with her hand.

"Listen, I'm very sorry for breaking your heart and I learn my true responsibility to do the right thing when I grew up and I love you," said Luke, Annabelle jumps off of her bed and tackles Luke, embracing him happily.

"Oh Luke, I really love you more and I care about you." admired Annabelle.

At the same time, Jones was kidnapped and taken to the witch hut and he was tied up in the chair with ropes when his sons were taken as test subjects by Agnes who threatened him to give Sloth mushroom potions to the boys trying to avoid drinking them to save themself by covering their mouths immediately.

"Please, don't!" begged Jones, desperately.

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