The Curious Anxiety

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Annabelle was humming in the middle of her cauldron, stirring the strange, magical substances and she drops a single light tentacle that was preferred as the magic mushroom before she continues to stir around the cauldron that created the potion so she scoop them potion the vial.

"Perfect! The Tentacle Mushroom, the anxiety-relieving potion," exclaimed Annabelle, holding a bottle of Tentacle Mushroom potion in her hand. Scott breaks inside the witch but quickly sees Annabelle was holding a bottle of Tentacle Mushroom potion.

"Annabelle, you got to help Annika, she has a technophobia which makes her anxious so much she was and she cannot buy some of the technology items," said Scott.

"Really?" smirked Annabelle, "You mean FBI Agent's daughter and?"

"I know, she was going to the mall to buy some technology items for the new life she adjusts," replied Scott.

"Well, this would be my perfect client to me!" excited Annabelle, snapping her finger, "Okay, you can have my potion in case of emergency for my best friend." she handed Scott over her potion and Scott receives it, hoping that Annika would be better again.

"Okay, I hope Annika would like this." worried Scott.

Back at the convey, one of the RVs was visited by Annika walking inside Lloyd's trailer and marches inside to see him preparing for shopping only to see Scott standing in front of her holding Annabelle's Tentacle Mushroom potion, she was very curious and confused about what with an item held by Scott and she never knew if someone made a small glass vial of a magical substance remedy, walking backward away from Scott trying to help her conquer her anxiety-inducing fear of technology and gets away from the boy but is blocked by Annabelle arrives and stops her from getting away from her and Scott.

"No, no, no, no, no... It is a magic mushroom potion, my mom and grandma used to harvest potions and remedies to heal anyone," explained Annabelle, offering her potion to Annika.

"You do, I'm a vegetarian and I love eating mushrooms, they're healthy, edible, and delicious." giggled Annika.

"Really, I know!" excited Annabelle, giving her potion to Annika to drink.

"Okay." agreed Annika, gleefully. She gently chugs the Tentacle Mushroom potion despite that she was unaware that it was actually a squid and a magic mushroom, emptying the bottle and dropping it on the floor.

"So, how it feels" questioned Annabelle, testing on Annika if she was affected by the potion she made. Then, she and Annika go out of the RV with Lloyd and Scott to go on shopping together for a hangout.

In the Greens Scott, Lloyd, Annabelle, and Annika were going on shopping and were excited about getting the new appliances for Annika. They came across the iPear store filled with other mobile appliances such as laptops, phones and tablets, and even accessories. Louis sees a pair of VR goggles so he goes to buy them for himself and Annika who were curious about it but Scott put it on Annika's head to allow her to see anything in reality she imagines.

"Oh my god, this is cute." excited Annika, enjoying the VR goggles, she was given the pair of motion controllers by a staff that gleefully makes her a number one customer who fears nothing.

"Wow, I'm impressed." impressed Scott, a male staff come out of nowhere with a self-balancing scooter and give it to Annika to ride on.

"Wheeeee!!!!" excited Annika, she was surrounded by a flying drone that came out of nowhere and looks at her, "Oh hi." she greeted waving her hand at the drone.

"Cool!" said Scott, cheerfully.

"Wait, there more to impress our friend?" asked Annabelle.

There, around the stores the group has been visiting to help Annika overcome her fear of technology rather than being the demon she used to be, they came across the appliances store where all of the customers happily buy some technology item they like to try for the future and they saw the female staff holding a robot mobile vacuum cleaner and a remote who sees them and offer them to Annika if she likes.

"Wow." impressed Annika, she was dragged to the massage chair by the two male staff, helping her to relax to deal with the stress about her phobia, "Oh my, this is the best day ever." she sighed in relaxation.

"Is there anything that can help you face your fear and embrace the new future that awaits you." asked the male staff.

"Yes, I'll try something new about the human world and their technologies," said Annika, the staff hears that Annika wants to try some new things she likes and they all cheer that they finally help those conquer their fears.

"Thank you for letting us help your friend face her fear." winked the female fat staff.

"I know," responded Scott.

Annika was in the suburban neighborhood of Parkford, Minnesota, her home was filled with new technology and gadgets to try, even though she still likes to play virtual reality games via headset and motion controllers with her animal friends but they are unhappy to see that Annika had abandoned her nature-loving state to become the new techno state, but also she was so bored and she wanted a friend. However, unbeknownst to her white playing with her VR gadgets when she was lonely, a tiny baby squid came out of nowhere and approached the lonely Annika. The animals were terrified that Annika will be in danger and tried to warn her but she never heard them until she took the gadgets off of her and she saw a wandering baby squid appears.

"Awwwww!!!" shrieked Annika, because of the potion work on her to get over her fear, she was very grateful that she was rewarded for rid of her own fear was a baby squid as her new friend. it is also revealed and implied that the Tentacle Mushroom potion wore off as well and Annika finally embraces her nature-loving state again this time as well as her new liking to technology.

"Hi." greeted the baby squid.

"Awwww." she plants a kiss on the baby squid's forehead and hugs it cherished. The baby squid leaps off of Annika's hands and lands on the fishbowl where he is suddenly befriended by frogs who also like him and invite him to stay.

"I love you, bestie." smiled the baby squid.

"I love you too." smiled Annika, compassionately, finally facing her fear of technology for good and deciding to explore her new life as a human.

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