The Evil Speechless

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Maple Heights, is one of Grimsborough's districts focusing on wealth and politeness. In the Mayor's office, David Jones was sitting on the chair while having an interview with the Blue Party politician Martha Price and her daughter, Abigail texting on her phone. Jones' sweat flowed all around his body when he got nervous.

"So David, I hope my daughter would be my assistant for a long time." discussed Martha.

"Well." nervous Jones.

"I got one job for you: you could be her bodyguard, my bodyguard," said Martha.

"Yes, but my son, Scott is stuttering because he thinks about his fear of pirates." agreed Jones.

"What?" confused Martha.

"I don't get it, he thinks about how pirates kidnap and rape other girls," explained Jones, believing his son was afraid of pirates, thinking they're witchcraft pirates.

"How did you know about pirates are evil and scary?" shrugged Martha.

"I don't know," responded Jones. Just then, his young son, Scott Jones comes inside the office, his face seems to be frozen and dopey with a shocked face, walking to his father.

"Oh hello, little boy, what are you doing here?" confused Martha, Jones leans over his son and tried to shake him to snap out.

"P-P-P-P-P." stuttered Scott, fearfully.

"Rodney, stop it, what got into you, there is no such thing as pirates you never told." comforted Jones, still kept shaking his son immediately, Scott suddenly become traumatized and quit while murmuring about the pirates.

"Oh my god, what happened!" terrified Martha and her daughter shrieked in fear after she sees Scott become hysterical.

In panic when his son has lost his mind, Jones immediately picks Scott in his arms and runs to the door, exits the office, and runs to the police car before he drives off with him. With the Jones father-son duo, Martha thought if something happened to Scott and she felt if he was afraid of pirates ever since she watches as Jones drives somewhere to get help and Abigail was worried about what's wrong with the boy she sees.

In Fairview, another district, Jones, and Scott were at their own home, Scott was in his bedroom and is still paralyzed about his fear of pirates. He murmured and stuttered about pirates in fear and he started to imagine his thought about his worst fears, his mouth was open mouth while his face stays still and frozen. Annabelle arrives at his bedroom and finds that her friend was paralyzed and tormented.

"Scott, are you okay?" inquired Annabelle, seeing Scott goes weird and suffocated with his imaginary fear of pirates, and Jones steps inside the bedroom.

"I'm so sorry, he always thinks about imaginary fear." sighed Jones, placing his palm on his fear, feeling his son being tormented by his own fear.

"I think we should use the Skull of Evil mushroom to cure his stutter thoughts." determined Annabelle.

Annabelle goes to relocate her witch hut and went inside where a crop of magic mushrooms that have light violet skull for caps and dark purple stems. She gathered all of the magic mushrooms in her arms and headed to the cauldron, pouring them inside and mixing them with the stirring rod, creating the Skull of Evil mushroom potion instantly, she takes out the vial and fills it up fully before she heads off to help Scott immediately. Annabelle returns to Jones's house where Scott is frozen and paralyzed on the bed, she went toward him and pours her potion into his mouth inside, forcing him to chug it whole, emptying it and the vial drops on the floor.

"Scott, are you still hearing me?" asked Annabelle, checking if Scott was alright but he gets up rapidly and his eyes turned out all white and his mouth become more wider as she gives Annabelle his speech for one last time.

"Annabelle the truth is; I was haunted by my stepmother who was a pirate and she tried to seek revenge on my mom and I was really scared, even though I don't really want to suffer the consequences. This is why I'm afraid of pirates!" explained Scott, saying his only speech.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!" shrieked Annabelle, horrified by Scott's suffocated thoughts and Scott finally snapped out of his mind.

"What was that?" thought Scott, he doesn't remember about his imaginary variant who was afraid of pirates.

"Oh my God, you scared me..." panted Annabelle.

"Oops, sorry, that was my conscience and variant, he told me about my stepmom was a pirate I never knew. I was unaware that Ryan was my older half-brother." sighed Scott, his father come inside his bedroom and was overjoyed to see his son feeling okay.

"Roderick!" exclaimed Jones, running to his son and embracing him happily, "I thought you been paralyzed!" he was relieved.

"I know, I had a stepmom who was your lover, she tried to kill me and murder me!" said Scott.

"Well, at least I'm afraid of public speaking at the Blue Party..." nervous Jones, he was afraid of public speaking.

"But I can do public speaking," stated Scott.

The father and son return to Maple Heights and head to the Mayor's office where Marth and Abigail were waiting for the speech from Scott who took out the letter about his dedication to himself as the next generation of the red-masked astrological vigilante, Red Masque, the embodiment of celestial and he begins to have a speech to the mother and daughter alongside the guests.

"I'm Roderick Prescott Jones, the son, and successor of legendary. I may not have autism or not ADHD, but a better special person from different people, every time my thoughts haunt me day by day, night by night. With the celestial katana, I was able to hunt down the supernatural beings, I always do the right thing for those who see my heart rotten with pure evil and I decide to set things right and bring justice to the future." declared Scott, finishing his dedicated speech to the guests applauding for him and his faithfulness inside of him and resumes his life as a hero.

"Impressed, we appreciate your honor for y our father who brought justice to us and your loved ones," commented Martha, clapping her hands in appreciation at Scott's newfound ways.

"Thank you for that, I'll do my best for my family, my friends, and the people who need me as a hero." determined Scott.

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