A Tragic Lineage of Pirate Heir

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Back in the RV, Jones was still lying on the bed with his hand bandaged and he was given a potion by Annabelle, curing his infection and saving him. Once the zombie infection was cured, Jones recovered afterward and gets up from the bed relievingly and stretches his arms for a while, and sees his sons rush toward him happily.

"Dad!" exclaimed Ryan, he and Scott embraces their father overjoyed.

"Kids!" sighed Jones, relieved. Annabelle was inside her own RV, placing the Zombie Mushroom on the pot, hoping that she will take it home with her and Agnes shows up as well.

"Belle, what is it," asked Agnes.

"I found the Zombie Mushroom with me and what's next," said Annabelle, she asks her grandmother if she can find more magic mushrooms she can find.

"There is." chuckled Agnes.

"Really." thought Annabelle.

"You must get to the Skull Island that the Pirate Mushroom has and they are harvested by a family of Black Sparrow. And then, the pirates take you to Iceland filled with Vikings," said Agnes, but this spoke Ryan to recall his mother left him with his father that day.

"I remember my mom, she left me and my dad with my new mom and brother." sighed Ryan, sadly, Jones remembers how his lover no longer loved him ever since.

"I remember now, her name is Veronica Waygetter and she was the pirate until left me but not before she abandon us, there was a map to Skull Island and I can take you there," recalled Jones, he misses his lover so much that he couldn't see her ever since and the father and son become lack of adventures, he took out a map of Skull Island to find the Pirate Mushroom.

In Skull Island, in the garden, there was a magic mushroom crop of piratical mushrooms wearing red bandannas with the symbol of the white skull and crossbones, black eye patch, two golden earrings, and light blue-white striped shirts for the stems. The crop was gardened by the pirate captain who was Veronica's uncle and now he lives like a ghost with his pirates who are still alive. He has a cauldron and he makes potions to cure the lack of adventures but he still misses his grandnephew so sad that he decided to give up all of the Pirate Mushrooms for good by making them as a gift.

"Boys, we are going to find my nephew-in-law." said the pirate captain.

"Unclebeard, did you miss me." Jones's voice was heard and Unclebeard turned around, he was overjoyed to see Jones appears with Ryan and Scott. Jones and Scott are wearing Red Masque costumes and Ryan was wearing a pirate outfit.

"Kid, I knew you came for us." overjoyed Unclebeard.

"I know but I abandon her to be with Charlotte." sighed Jones, he was slapped in the face by Unclebeard for breaking his niece's heart. "Ouch, what was that for?" he thought, rubbing his cheek with his hand.

"Why did you let my little girl down? I should trust that lousy CEO family man who hates pirates!" berated Unclebeard, angrily. He offers the basket of Pirate Mushroom to Jones, hoping that would have a family bonding together.

"I'm so sorry, it's for Annabelle." sighed Jones, regrettably.

"Who?" confused Unclebeard, he looks up and saw Annabelle showing up with Luke and Martin appears on the boat, "Oh I get it, she's a witch or a vampire?"

"Yes, I'm both of them," responded Annabelle, disdainfully.

"Kid, would you like to drink the Pirate Mushroom potion first," asked Unclebeard, offering the vial of Pirate Mushroom potion to Jones if he can rekindle truce and bonding.

"Sure, I will." agreed Jones, he takes the vial of Pirate Mushroom potion, sipping it a little and boosting his interest in adventures.

"Me first!" said Ryan, taking the Pirate Mushroom potion to drink it and was boosted with much fun as he could. He also gives Scott the Pirate Mushroom potion to drink.

"Ahhh..." grunted Scott, regrettably. He snatches the Pirate Mushroom potion and takes a sip of it, boosting himself instantly, "Ah... That's better."

On the pirate ship filled with pirate crews, the Jones family, Annabelle, Luke, and Martin are family bonding with Unclebeard. Scott and Ryan are scrubbing the floor with equipment while Unclebeards is watching his great nephews, he was sitting on the chair with Jones looking at his sons in worry and nervousness, Unclebeard nudges Jones laughing. Luke was walking around the ship and finds Annabelle sitting on the balcony, he smiles and approaches her to have a date. The Jones family and Unclebeard are inside the cabin, playing some board game with Scott and Ryan won but Jones always loses.

"Ahaha!" chuckled Unclebeard, pounding the table with his palm so hard that he couldn't stop laughing so much.

That night, the Jones family is in the dining room with a chef who was cooking some delicious food for his family and friends. The sons are eating the hams that their granduncle liked even their other mother before she left Ryan with Jones. Annabelle and Luke are sitting at the table together with their hands held together but Annabelle felt that she cannot give love to Luke because her powers were wiped out earlier, she gets up and walks out of the dining room while Luke becomes worried and so he stays on the table in regret. The pirate family begins to dance and sing a shanty together with the Joneses but Luke stays and waits for his lover to be with him.

Outside of the pirate ship and on the deck, Annabelle emerged all alone with her eyes shedding some tears over her face sadly, she wipes them with the sleeves from her shirt and sobs before reaching the balcony to sit. Sitting on the balcony, Annabelle begins to look at the sky filled with stars and she wishes that she will get her powers back one day, she continues to sob once more and she kept crying and crying that she cannot do something else. Just then, Luke shows up and tried to confess his feeling for Annabelle, he walks slowly toward her and he was about to comfort her but when he reaches the balcony, a pain strings into his mind and he collapsed on the ground.

"Ah!" grunted Luke, painfully. Because Jones's power turned him into a Lego Minifigure, Luke knew that he was no longer loving Annabelle, he retreats back inside the ship, hoping that he will be okay as well.

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