A Crowd to Mesmerize

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During her first visit to Eastern Commonwealth after revolution, Cinder finally agrees to those dance lessons with Kai.

"Your right foot forward, Cinder," Kai corrected her for the seventh time in the past ten minutes.

Sun was setting outside the grand ballroom of Commonwealth's palace and night was fast approaching. They've been dancing- or trying to dance in Cinder's case- for the last two hours.

It was only the second day of Cinder's visit to Eastern Commonwealth. She arrived for the Peace Festival, the first after the revolution. Of course she wasn't going to miss it. She was an honorary guest, a revolutionary queen that saved the world. She hoped she would have a warmer welcome than last year. On top of that, she was Kai's date for the ball, as she promised she would be last year on the balcony of Artemisia palace.

After yesterday's heartwarming reunion, Kai wasted no time in freeing their schedules as much as possible. It was the first time they saw each other since the war ended and they couldn't be happier to be in each other's arms again. The warmth of his hug and the scent of his cologne when he embraced her yesterday, not caring that everyone was watching, made her feel like she was finally back home.

Even though Cinder hoped he would forget another promise she made on the balcony, she wasn't that lucky. Earlier that afternoon, Kai took her hand and led her to the empty ballroom.

"Don't think I forgot your promise about those dance lessons," he said, a smile playing on his lips.

Cinder rolled her eyes. "Why am I not surprised? But really, is that necessary? Nobody will care whether I can dance or not?"

"You are my date. Believe me, they will be watching our every step." At her nervous expression, he added gently, "But don't worry. We have two more days before the ball. That's enough time to teach you the basics."

Cinder laughed, casting a nervous glance through the tall windows overlooking the garden. "I think you're overestimating my dancing abilities."

"And I think you're underselling yourself, as usual."

Kai turned on the music on his portscreen and placed her hand on his shoulder. He was patient with her, repeating every step multiple times. Despite his calm approach, two hours later Cinder still barely knew the basic steps.

"I told you, I'm beyond saving."

Kai shook his head and tightened his grip on her waist. "Not even a year ago you saved the entire world, Cinder. I'm pretty sure you can learn how to waltz."

"Well, then I'm in luck that you're such a good teacher." She smiled and looked up at him. "Not to mention, incredibly handsome."

Tips of Kai's ears turned pink and he tried to hide a smile. During their frequent video calls Cinder noticed Kai would often get shy when she would give him a compliment, whether it be for his looks, his last speech or political decision. It was endearing in a way- emperor of world's largest country didn't know how to handle compliments from his girlfriend.

"Stop trying to sweet-talk me. You're not getting away from this."

He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss on her lips. Cinder's lips turned up into a smile, her body instantly filling with warmth and delight. Of all the things she missed while being on Luna, Kai's kisses were probably number one.

When he pulled away, his copper eyes were shining with gleam he only had when he looked at her. He pulled her closer and put his chin on top of her head. Cinder closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck as they swayed to the slow beat of the song.

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