Grease and Dust

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Kai offers to help Cinder fix broken hover, but it doesn't go as planned.

Kai didn't even notice the moment sun went down and moon appeared on the sky. He was in his office for the majority of day, switching between meetings and reading through many documents. It wasn't until he noticed moonlight slipping through the windows that he realized how late it was.

He took reading glasses off his nose and rubbed his tired eyes. His loud yawn made him glad it was already late and no guards were probably close to hear the embarrassing sound. After gulping down the rest of his tea that went cold hours ago, he got up and stretched, ready to go look for his wife.

He had no doubt Cinder still hadn't retired to their bedroom. She was as much of a workaholic as he was. Ever since they got married almost a year ago, they made a personal game between them who would be the first to search for the other after a long day. Kai was usually the one to look for her first, often finding her in her workshop in the palace basement.

That was exactly where he was heading as he dragged himself through the empty palace corridors. Only the most dedicated workers and unlucky guards on the night shift filled the eerie silence of the Commonwealth's palace at night.

In his hazy state, track to the basement seemed longer than ever, but after a few minutes he finally reached heavy metal doors of Cinder's little paradise. Even before knocking, he knew she was there. A loud sharp sound echoed in the room, like someone dropped something heavy. Kai smiled when he heard her curse under her breath and knocked.

The doors swung open a few seconds later. Cinder stood before him, dressed in her favorite casual outfit- cargo pants and black t-shirt. Her hair was pulled up in a resemblance of a messy ponytail, and her face already had few grease smudges.

Kai's heart grew to the size of a Jupiter when he saw her. He was momentarily thrown back to that fated morning when he saw her for the first time. Cargo pants, messy hair and grease. It was almost like she hadn't changed at all.

"I should have known it's you," Cinder grumbled and tried to clean the stains on her fingers with a rag that was covered with grease.

Kai leaned on the door frame and put his hands in his pockets. "I have to admit I was hoping for a bit warmer welcome."

Cinder looked up at him and Kai knew she was struggling not to roll her eyes. Then her lips curved up in a smile and she reached with her hand to grab Kai's shirt and pull him closer.

"Even though you're interrupting my work, I'm glad to see you," she said and pressed her lips to his.

Kai's whole body relaxed at the contact, all the worries and long hours melting away like ice on the sun. He kissed her back with enough force to make her stumble a bit and he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her body flush to his.

He pulled away and whispered, "That's better."

Cinder smiled and smoothed his hair. "I'm pretty busy at the moment."

"It's almost eleven p.m. We should both head to bed soon."

Cinder shrugged. "I know, but I'm really in the zone right now. I think I finally figured out how to fix the issue on the broken hover. It's been driving me crazy for weeks."

Kai knew that broken hover was bothering Cinder for a while. She loved to complain about it during breakfast, and lunch, and occasionally dinner, but Kai never minded listening to her. He loved getting the inside view of New Beijing's best mechanic's thoughts, even if he didn't understand half of what she was saying.

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