Bright Future

913 4 8

Written for TLC ship weeks 2021

Torin and Kai have a conversation about Kai's relationship with Cinder.

Konn Torin was seated in a large comfortable chair in his office. He's been there since early hours of the morning and he could already see the shape of the moon in the dark sky.

These days his working hours seemed to get longer and longer. He could only hope his husband won't take offense in him coming home late another night in a row.

As much as he wanted to get cozy in front of the fireplace in his living room, there was so much work that needed to be done before Emperor Kaito leaves for France.

Two of emperor's best friends were getting married and their little crew was finally having another reunion. Torin knew all about the secret plan to host the wedding two days earlier and Kai to officiate it.

He also knew that more than anything, young emperor was excited to see his girlfriend again after one long year of separation. It was all he talked about for the past few days.

Torin couldn't blame him, though. He knew what it was like to be away from your loved ones and not see them as much as you wished. He could see how much it was killing Kai to not be able to visit Cinder, or even talk to her on especially busy days. Few days off work was what both Cinder and Kai needed, and Torin himself will go on a little vacation with his husband.

A sharp knock rang through the room, and Torin recognized slightly impatient knocking to be the one coming from the emperor.

"Come in."

Kai's dark hair appeared first through the slit of the door. He looked around the room before opening the doors fully and walking inside. "Oh, great. You're still here."

He looked a bit more untidy than Torin was used to seeing him lately. His shirt was a little rumpled, his hair an unkempt mess as it always was at the end of the day. But the shine in emperor's eyes was getting more vibrant as the days of the trip approached.

Torin gestured to the chair opposite to him and Kai sat down. "Your Majesty, is there anything I can help you with?"

Kai made a great show of looking around Torin's office, his gaze fixing on couple pictures of Torin and his husband. "Just wanted to see how new trade laws are going."

Torin narrowed his eyes at Kai, highly suspicious that was the real reason of emperor's late visit. "I'm almost done writing them. They should be finished tomorrow and sent to province leaders to check while you're away. We should discuss them upon your return."

Kai nodded and entwined his fingers, then crossed his legs only to uncross them seconds later. "Good, good. That's great."

Torin frowned. Kai was never fidgety like this. Ever since he was a small child, he always knew how to stay calm and collected and not exude too much energy, especially in front of the media. Now he seemed like he wanted to jump out of his skin. It worried Torin a little bit.

"Are you sure you're alright, Your Majesty? If there's anything you want to talk about, you're free to do so."

It may have been inappropriate and certainly unprofessional, but Torin had started to see Kai almost as his son. He'd watched him turn from a young prince who lost both his parents way too early, to a young emperor who cared about his country and his people and was willing to do whatever it takes to protect them.

He was young, but he had Torin's full respect.

Kai ran a hand through his hair. He looked around the room as if paranoid somebody else was there and would hear their conversation.

"There is something else I wanted to talk to you about," he said. "Actually, there's something I wanted to show you."

Kai reached into the pocket of his pants and pulled out a navy velvet box with a royal insignia stamped on the lid. Torin knew immediately what it was and what Kai planned to do with it. Still, he let the young emperor say it out loud.

Kai's fingers trembled as he opened the box and revealed a stunning ruby red ring that lay inside. He pulled the ring out of the box and examined it.

"I've been thinking about it a lot lately, ever since Cinder abdicated the throne. It seems kind of stupid to wait when I know she's the one for me and I hope she thinks I'm the one for her. She's all the way on Luna, but I want her to be here, in Commonwealth. I want her to be my empress. I'm just not sure if she'll think it's too soon." He took a deep breath. "She gave up her crown barely six months ago and I'm already asking her to wear another one. Maybe she doesn't even want—"

"Kaito," Torin stopped emperor's passionate monologue. "She will say yes. It's clear to everyone how much she loves you. She gave up her throne because Luna never felt like home, not because she hated the idea of being royalty, especially being royalty with you."

Kai looked away from the ring in his fingers and up at Torin. His copper eyes were hopeful as he quietly said, "Do you really think so? I'm not rushing things?"

Torin gave him a small smile. "I don't think you're rushing anything. If you feel ready, there's no harm in asking."

Kai nodded, his lips finally curving in a real smile. "Thank you, Torin."

"Kai, you're making a right choice. She will be a good empress that this country needs."

And Torin truly believed that. Cinder has proven to be a great queen and in less than two years has done more for Luna and the world than anyone could have expected. His heart was at peace knowing that emperor has picked such a strong partner for himself. Their relationship was never easy, but Torin saw how much they cared for one another. He was glad Kai would be less lonely and sulky once Cinder moves into the palace.

"I think she'll be a great empress too," Kai said and put the ring back in the box.

Torin watched young emperor, a child who had transformed in front of his eyes in a young man. For all the years he'd known him, for everything he's been through, Kai never lost his kindness and dedication and hope. It was what made him one of the best people Torin had ever known.

"Your parents would be so proud of you," Torin said. "I wish they were here to see what a fine leader you've become."

Kai's eyes turned glossy at the mention of his parents and Torin regretted ruining a happy moment. But Kai managed to smile. "I wish they were here too."

Torin heaved a sigh of relief. "They would've loved Selene and would love to see you so happy."

Kai nodded and placed the ring box back in his pocket. He stood up to leave, all uneasiness and restlessness leaving his body.

Torin closed the document he was reading and looked at his emperor. "But let's not dwell on the past when the future is so much brighter."

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