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Trixie stayed over in hospital for another day following the incident at Jaqs bar. Violet, Pearl and Kim all visited as soon as word got around, running to Trixie's bedside like she'd had a fatal aneurysm.

"MISS GIRL...WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK" Kim had screamed once the nurse left, tackling her in bed. The other two fussed over her angrily also, scolding and attending to her, trying to get every detail out of her.

"I wish I could tell you but I actually remember nothing" she laughed faintly, prying Kim off her to allow Violet and Pearl to also suffocate her in a hug.

"What did Katya say happened?" Pearl asked, placing some pink tulips by her bedside from behind her back. Trixie felt tears well at the sight.

"You're all dumb" She said quietly, pulling the tulips close to smell them.

"Violet nearly got purple ones for some reason" Kim laughed, "that was the actual dumbassery"

"Look, purple is cool-"

"WHAT DID KATYA SAY??" Pearl yelled over them, silencing them all.

"Oh uh, just that she saw me come out of the bathroom incredibly out of it, and that I collapsed at some point which lead her to take me to the hospital"

"Did you take something in the bathroom?" Violet asked, pulling up a seat.

"I think...I must've been spiked" Trixie stated after a moment, "the nurse explained I'd mildly overdosed because of both alcohol and a sedative like rohypnol or a roofie or something"

"Holy fuck" Kim muttered, taking Trixie's hand.

They all sat in stunned silence for a second, Trixie feeling very uncomfortable all of a sudden having finally vocalised that fact.

"But I'm okay! They ran some physicals on me and there's no sign of any other damage"

She managed to steer the conversation away following that revelation, determined to brush off their concern. She didn't know how to deal with any of it. Not right now.

"Have you heard from Courtney yet?" Kim asked casually, noting Trixies discomfort and deciding not to pry further.

At those words, the memory of what happened at the bar finally hit her. Trixie's mouth hung agape as she suddenly remembered her and Courtney's fight, or rather that she'd stormed off and that had made her very panicked. It was so hazy she thought she must've dreamt it.

"We got in a fight...I think?" She muttered, trying and failing to grasp onto the memory. She had no idea why they had fought, but she knew she'd upset her somehow.

"What about?"

"I don't remember..."

"Well, I'm sure it wasn't serious" Pearl said reassuringly, "she probably doesn't know you're here anyway, maybe I should let her know"

"No no, its okay" She said a little too quickly, "I'll reach out when I leave tomorrow"

"You sure?"

She smiled reassuringly, convincing Pearl the situation was okay. They all began to chat generally, conversation becoming more easygoing, much to Trixie's relief.

Her thoughts drifted back to earlier that morning, when Katya and her had eaten breakfast together and just talked. She didn't treat her any differently after her worried rant, going back to her usual goofy, irritating ways in a way that made Trixie feel so normal for a moment. Now she was gone, reality was beginning to set in.

"I'll see you later, roomie"

"Don't miss me too much, Zamolochikova"

token punk ~ trixya college/roommates auWhere stories live. Discover now