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"Your room's messy" the blonde girl from Math mumbled, scrunching her nose as she stared around Trixies bedroom. Trixie sat lost for words. Mostly at the girl kicking her door down and proceeding to call her out for being a slob, but also because she somehow didn't put two and two together. She was dressed in a leather overcoat straight out of the matrix with a black tennis skirt, stockings and some doc marten shoes, giving her already intimidating aura an outfit to compliment.

"Well I was just about to-"

"Oh you're the girl from math" Katya said, cutting her off. "The one who kept looking at me"

Trixie felt her ears go pink as she fumbled for an excuse.
"What? No-"

"Yeah yeah whatever" Katya dismissed, waving her hand "which ones my room?"

"Just um...just opposite " Trixie managed to get out, pointing behind the blonde. Katya turned around to her door and swung it open, beginning to snoop around. Trixie finally fell out of her daze, following her inside.

"It'll do" She concluded at last after peaking in every corner. She kicked her dms off and sat on the bed.

"You do know there's such a thing as knocking, right?" Trixie asked, her patience already worn thin (not that she had much to begin with).

"Well the door was unlocked" Katya said, as if that answered Trixies question.

"Do you uh, need help unpacking?" Trixie asked, already grasping for straws.

"Do you always ask this many questions?" she asked bluntly in return, rummaging through her bag. She eventually produced a pack of straights and began to light one.

"Dude, can't you do that outside?" Trixie grumbled, officially annoyed now. Katya rolled her eyes and stood up, wandering to the window and swinging it open.

"Better?" she eventually answered, smiling devilishly as she sat on the sill, "Want one Miss...uh"

"Trixie Mattel?"

"Yeah that's it, I'm sure I'll get it"

"I'm good thanks. Lucky strikes are nasty"

"Oooh, look at you knowing what brand they are, not as much of a suck up as I thought you'd be"

Trixie desperately searched her mind for a solution to this nightmare. Maybe she could request she be moved again? That seemed like a lot of effort, plus it might make her a very unwanted enemy, plus Miss Bates would be on her case for not making it work...but what else could she do?

"Okay look, before you request I move, stick me out for a week" the girl from maths said, completely reading Trixies mind, "I make a fabulous roomie"

"...I'm not really getting that impression right now"

"Trust me Tracy, I'm a pleasure to have around" her condescending tone grating Trixie with each word.

"It's Trixie"

Katyas phone rang at that moment, cutting the conversation short. Trixie continued to stand in the doorway awkwardly, dumbfounded by the girls rudeness.

"Yeah yeah, I'll be there soon" Katya said, clicking the call off. She swiftly stubbed her fag out and threw the butt out the window, grinning once again up at Trixie "Well it's been a pleasure meeting you Tiffany, I'm sure we'll cross paths again"

"Uh, yeah. It sure has" Trixie sarcastically replied.

"You ready to see why I'm such a fabulous roommate?" Katya called from behind her as she walked past Trixie and back through the door, slamming it far too loudly behind her.

token punk ~ trixya college/roommates auWhere stories live. Discover now