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Katya's POV

So in conclusion, Katya was an idiot.

She was literally so bad at flirting that she'd made Trixie angry, and instead of just being direct about her attraction like a normal person, she decided to call her beautiful in Russian, then panic and run away. Then she decided it was a good idea to shush her and touch her lips, before acting like she hadn't said anything this morning, all the while blushing like a schoolgirl and generally making a fool of herself...ugh.

The moment Trixie had turned to her in Math, Katya was starstruck. All she thought about through next period was her bubblegum curls and pretty white spectacles. And when she walked into the apartment and saw that she was her roommate, well it was proof that God really had it out for her this year.

"Well if it isn't my two favourite people!" a voice Katya was all too familiar with called. She turned to see Adore stumbling towards her, a bag of what looked like gummy bears in her hand.

"You know Trixie?" Katya asked, confused as the two of them greeted each other in front of her.

"Yeah she was my roommate when I actually went to college" Adore raises an eyebrow, "How do you know her?"

"...she's my roommate now"

Adore paused briefly before her eyes widened. Oh no.

"Oh my god she's the c-"

"Anyway!" She interrupted a little too loudly, grabbing Adore by the hand and turning to Trixie, "Me and Adore need another drink. Do you have a request, Mattel?"

"Oh uh, surprise me" Trixie said brightly with a hint of confusion, the twang of her accent making Katya's heart ache. She lead Adore back into the kitchen and began making them all a drink, sternly whispering to her now giggling friend.

"I cannot BELIEVE you like Trixie!" Adore said at last, ignoring Katya's complaints about exposing her. Katya clasped her hand over her friends mouth.

"First of all, like is a strong word, I barely know her. And second, if you tell her that I do I'm gonna fucking-"

"Babe relax, I won't say anything, you know I won't" Adore replied, pulling her tattooed fingers away from her mouth.

"I most certainly don't know that because you literally nearly said it to her just now" Katya answered bluntly, making Adore laugh again.

"I mean she's definitely cute, but I wouldn't think in a million years she'd be your type"

That much was true. Trixie definitely didn't seem like the kinda girl Katya would go for based on her track record. She was girly and vibrant and well...happy. All things Katya definitely was not.

"I'm still hung up on how crazy this is though, the fact that we both got assigned the same person?"

"It's more mad that we've both described her to each other and neither of us realised it" Katya agreed, pouring some malibu into the pineapple juice and cream shed already prepared. Adore finally clicked as to what Katya was making, breaking out into a teasing grin.

"Ooooo look at you making her a drink and everything, you really do have the hots for her"

"Oh my god shut up" Katya grumbled, slapping the girls arm, causing her to dramatically yelp.

"You're such a crybaby, that wasn't even hard" Katya chuckled, reaching for another two glasses.

"No no don't make us a drink, I got these for us" Adore piped up, shaking the shady looking recepticle of home made haribos.

token punk ~ trixya college/roommates auWhere stories live. Discover now