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The water spray was almost painful against Trixies back, giving her a much needed jolt back to reality. She'd awkwardly walked to Courtney's closet on the way to the shower, hyper aware of the girls eyes burning into her skull. Courtney's clothes were a) not Trixies style, and b) far too small (the 4 inch height difference didn't exactly help with that). Luckily she had both a knee length skirt and oversized jumper tucked away near the back, which looked like they could fit decently.

She could barely remember anything from last night, and what little she could made no chronological sense. She'd had very brief blackouts before, forgetting details of a night and getting memories jumbled, but never this badly. She looked up into the shower head, closing her eyes as the spray doused her.

Okay so, from the top. I lost the other three soon after arriving somehow...then...I played beer pong with Katya...and then I danced with Courtney and a couple others before...

She grumbled in embarrassment, afraid of what traumatising events she might have forgotten. All she could remember was bickering with that annoying punk that sometimes appeared in her dorm. She felt herself smirking slightly as she recalled their conversations.

Then she remembered her dream. The warmth of her breath had felt so real against her ear, and the neon blue eyes had stared with such electricity it was almost heart stopping-

"Get out of my head!" Trixie almost shouted, pressing her temples in anger. Barely a second later a knock sounded on the door.

"You okay in there?" Courtney called.

"...Uh huh!" Trixie called back, scrunching her nose as she cringed at herself.

"Okay cool, I'm gonna head down so I'll see you there?"

"Yep!" She replied, wincing even harder.

Trixie wasn't sure what her ideal 'morning after' situation was, but she knew it definitely wasn't breakfast with a family of loud Australians. Courtney and her siblings bickered like crazy also, but never very seriously. Their jabs and quips were nothing but expressions of affection, which was something totally alien to Trixie. Treating family like friends rather than business partners... imagine such a thing.

She had a brother and sister, younger and older respectively. Jack, who'd she'd already experienced, was about 15. He was tall for his age, with the same tan skin and tight blonde curls. Her sister, Maddie, was in the dawn of her twenties and her final year at college. She had much darker hair than the rest of the aryans in their family, but was still very obviously related. The two of them tore Courtney to shreds about "finally bringing a girl home" and for "punching above her weight", earning a slap each time. Trixie tried to chip into their conversation when she could, but she was pretty much left in the dust.

"So uh, Trixie, right love?" Courtney's mum asked as she entered the room, pancakes in hand. She was young for a parent, especially one with kids as old as they were. The blonde gene was definitely on her side, but seemingly not the curly, with her hair being far more flat than her kids. She smiled politely at Trixie, but her eyes read differently.


"Is that your full name?"

"My full names Beatrice, but everyone calls me Trixie" She explained, tucking a stray strand of her wet hair "its a nickname my dad gave me"

"Well it suits you, doll" She said, her smile gaining a slight layer of warmth. She placed the pancakes down for them all in one expert swoop before returning to the kitchen. She seemed almost unsure of Trixie, which didn't really help shake the feeling of 5th wheeling.

"I don't think she likes me much" Trixie muttered to Courtney once her siblings were distracted.

"Oh don't take it personally, she's always unsure about new people" Courtney whispered in response, taking advantage of her now distracted siblings to actually talk, "we should go get coffee sometime this week, I had fun yesterday"

token punk ~ trixya college/roommates auWhere stories live. Discover now