
687 26 14

TW // Attempted Groping

"Get off, you fucking creep!" Trixie yelled, scrambling out of the door to escape. The two of them surged forward to meet her halfway.

"What's happening?" Katya asked, holding her shoulders as she pulled her close.

"This fucking asshole kept touching my leg-"

"Oh hell no, what kind of-" Courtney spat, storming towards the ajar door and swinging it open.

"Hey-oh" Courtney called to the man inside, her tone not in any way aggressive anymore as it melted into one of friendly jest, "Hey, Luke"

"I swear she literally knows everyone, she's worse than Adore" The Russian thought, peering through the window to see the predator for herself. She saw a extremely boring looking blonde guy sat in the drivers seat, man spreading to an extreme degree. He had ugly blue eyes and an unbearably cocky aura about him that Katya could feel even from afar. He was repulsive.

"Yo, Courtney" He drawled, a bone chilling smirk painted on his lips, "you friends with this chick?"

"Yeah, we're cool" She agreed in the most dismissive way possible, "How've you been, dude?"

"Y'know, here and there..."

Trixie and Katya were huddled a mere couple feet away, equally as confused by what was happening. Why was Courtney so casual talking to this prick?

Katya opened her mouth to call her out, but Trixie beat her to it.

"Did you not hear me, Court?" Trixie inquired, far more politely than Katya would've.

"Oh um, yeah" She answered quietly, as if she'd just forgotten to do the dishes, "that's kinda shitty of you man"

"I would never make a move on your territory deliberately babe, you know that" The slimy fuck continued, "I just thought she was into me, must've read the signals wrong"

"What signs did I ever give to indicate that??"

"I mean, hate to break it to you babe, that skirt is making you look real easy"

"Easy??" Katya shouted in disgust, beginning to surge forward before Trixie grabbed her arm.

"Save your breath" Trixie murmured into her ear, "he's desperate to get a rise out of us"

"I can say it in a slightly blunter way if you want, sweetheart" Luke condescended, clearly relishing in the anger he was causing.

"I'd love to hear the uncensored version" Trixie retorted with the same patronising tone, still holding Katya close to her, something the Russian was hyper aware of as her skin zapped with tension at her sudden touch.

"Courtney, doll, I think you should ditch these bitches and come hang with me" He asked the Aussie, blatantly ignoring the two of them, "they seem like a pair of fucking pussies"

"You know what they say, you are what you eat" Katya called, making Trixie snort with laughter.

"No, I'm good Luke" Courtney answered casually, "I'll see you around though"

"Suit yourself" He shrugged, winding up the window and pulling away all in one swift movement, leaving the three girls in completely stunned silence. Katya opened her mouth to share her highly positive thoughts about the situation, but was once again beaten to it by Trixie.

"The fuck was that about, Court?" She interrogated suddenly, making the other girl jump.

"I know I know, I'm sorry-"

token punk ~ trixya college/roommates auWhere stories live. Discover now