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"Hiding in plain sight is the move, trust me"

The cold morning air smacked Katya in the face as they walked out of the math building to the now abandoned football field. It had been her idea to relocate (something about relapsing in the college bathrooms depressed her) but now she wasn't so sure she had made the right call. 

Her stomach turned nauseatingly. It’s not that she didn't want to do drugs (god did she want to), it was more the kind of exhilaration you feel before doing something you shouldn’t. Like a little kid opening their christmas presents early, but better. For as long as she could remember her life had felt monotone. Kind of empty and just shit. Drugs had been her reprieve from the never-ending heart-wrenching abyss of real life since she was 14, granted it had started out as  skipping home room to smoke a joint with the kids in the grade above her and gradually progressed to the life ruining dependency as shown today, all thanks to her asshole mother up and leaving when she was 16. When she was high she could forget about the fucked up shit going on in her life and focus on the pure sense of euphoria, free of responsibility. She loved it, craved it. The escape was worth the aftermath.

She watched as Naomi quickly snorted up a mysterious blue powder from her keys, pressing her finger against her other nostril and then wiping away the excess with the back of her hand. The familiarity of the action struck Katya and excitement crept up deep in the back of her being. God she had missed this. 

‘What is it?’ she asked, she had been so caught up in the promise of an escape from her anxieties that she hadn't had time to ask what they were actually taking. 

‘MDMA. You tried it before?’ 

Katya chuckled. If only she knew. 

‘Once or twice,’ she lied. 

Naomi offered her the baggie and her keys to Katya which she accepted without hesitation. 

‘God I wish I had more self control.’

Me too Zamolochikova,’ Trixie’s voice rang out like a bell in the chaos of her mind. 

‘Jesus Mattel. I don’t think I can cope with you as my internal monologue.’

‘Tough shit. You know I wouldn’t approve that’s why I’m in your head.’

‘You don’t dictate my life. You’ve got an Australian bimbo for that, remember?’

‘God you’re insufferable. Maybe I don’t want to dictate her life. Maybe I want to dictate yours.’

‘I must be going insane.’

‘You can’t relapse Katya. You just can’t. You know how much it hurts.’

‘Fuck off. It’s not even you speaking and I don’t need the third degree. Just lea-’

Naomi’s gentle nudge interrupted Katya’s apparent descent into insanity. 

‘Hey, do you want it or not?’ 

Katya looked at her. The blue of her dress complimented her eyes. She looked down at the drugs in her hand. If Miss Del Rio knew what she was doing she would have a few choice words that’s for sure. And what would Max and Adore say? A familiar knot of anxiety tugged at her heart. She loved them both. Could she put them through it again? 

One key of this and the anxiety would be gone, replaced by the carefree Katya she missed. She took a breath and nodded. She loved it. Craved it.



Max’s Pov - 

‘How many times have you called her?’ Max knitted her hands together in front of her on the table. ‘This place is repulsive Adore, why is everything sticky?’

token punk ~ trixya college/roommates auWhere stories live. Discover now