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"No we're not getting fucking Twinkies, go away"

The two of them stood bickering in the candy aisle, their cart full of highly unhealthy and impractical food, too much toilet roll and a can of silly string (which according to Katya was 'absolutely vital').

"Okay fine, we have to get some fruit loops though" Katya replied, trying and failing to reach the cereal shelf. Although their height difference was minimal, it was enough to grant Trixie access to these sacred shelves, a privilege she took full advantage of as she teasingly grabbed the box Katya was flailing for.

She held the box out, failing to hide her smirk as she did. Katya rolled her eyes in response, tossing the box into the already overflowing cart.

"Can we even afford all of this?" Trixie asked eventually, after they had transitioned to the next aisle over. They shared a mutual need for quiet, so their silences weren't in any way awkward. They'd finally begun to understand one another, and realise just how similar they really were.

Katya pulled out a mysterious debit from her chain wallet, flicking the card to add impact to her words,

"I think daddy's trustfund will be able to spare some dimes"

"Okay hold on a second" Trixie grumbled, resting her index and thumb on her glabella as she considered her words, "if you're secretly rich, why do you smoke luckies?"

"Because luckies are way more bang for your buck" She replied far too seriously, "Just because I'm bawlin doesn't mean I'm gonna just waste it"

Trixie bit her lip to suppress a laugh, "And aren't you on a scholarship?"

"Aww, you remembered" Katya cooed irritatingly, causing Trixie to flip her off. "My father still thinks it's 60s soviet Russia, so any chance that fucker can avoiding paying towards a capitalist government, he'll do it"

Trixies mouth twitched again, but she managed to swallow it.
"Is it academic?"

"Yeah, I find Math extremely easy, so they said they'd let me on for free if I minored"

"Wow, imagine being smart"

"You say that like you're not good too" Katya chided, rolling her eyes at Trixie's failed attempt at modesty, "You're always called on by Del Rio and always get it right, so don't flatter yourself"

She continued ahead, leaving Trixie to lag behind a second longer.
Once Trixie knew she was out of her periferal, she broke into a uncontrollable grin. How has she gone from absolutely hating her to low key loving her in less than 24 hours.

As much as she hated to admit it...she was pretty fond of Katya.

They arrived at the counter shortly after, both biting back laughter as they watched their random basket of food be scanned through by the clearly perplexed cashier (Trixie nearly lost it at the silly string). They just about managed to hold their laughter until the shop was packed, but within seconds of walking away Katya gave in, wheezing like a steam train while Trixie cackled in her typically witch like fashion.

They jumped into Katyas bashed up G Wagon (which was a pretty clear sign that she was rich in hindsight), still wiping away tears of laughter.

"Seriously what are you gonna use that for?" Trixie questioned, her voice hoarse from screaming.

The punk shrugged, twisting the ignition as she contemplated.

"Might actually use it for my current project for midterms, honestly"

"Is the brief party city or something"

"Ha ha"

The engine roared far too loudly as Katya begun to reverse out. It was barely a notch below firework level.

token punk ~ trixya college/roommates auWhere stories live. Discover now