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TW: Vomiting

Trixie's name had barely left her lips when her nausea peaked. She sped towards the pristinely white sink, staining it with what was essentially pure acid reflux.

Fantastic she sighed internally, spraying the hot tap before awkwardly slumping into the corner of the shower, less neaseous but still distinctly fucked.

"Welcome to the club, Kat" Trixie's voice hoarsely croaked after the dry heaving had stopped, staring up at her with amusement in her gaze. The nickname lingered in Katya's ears for a moment, lightly flushing her cheeks.

"How much of Lana's haribo did you take?" the Australian girl asked, placing a bottle of water down next to her.

"Thank you" Katya replied instinctively, drinking some before processing the next question and raising an eyebrow, "How'd you know-"

"Not the first, won't be the last" She sighed knowingly.

Katya's eyes widened with sudden anxiety. "They've been cut?"

The girl giggled patronisingly at Katya's dramatic reaction, the same way you'd laugh at a monkey in a zoo.

"No no, it's just such an incredibly strong cali strain. Not even Lana herself takes a whole one" She explained, turning back around to Trixie "she for some reason didn't explain that to people though, I've seen a handful of baked zombies already before you"

Katya was vaguely listening, but couldn't help but be wrapped up in Trixie's entire existence. How could a girl still look cute after being sick? It honestly baffled the Russian, who probably looked like a complete mess.

Katya's brain was running at Internet explorer speed right now. She could barely focus on anything. It was so bad that it took a full five minutes of talking before she finally remembered that Trixie had ditched her earlier. Her stupid schoolgirl crush being momentarily pushed aside as a irritation manifested in it's place.

"Where'd you go earlier, roomie?" Katya asked, more passive aggressively than she had intended. Trixie raised an eyebrow.

"You're the one who dissappeared bitch, I waited for like half an hour"

"It was not half an hour, we were gone like 5 minutes"

"Oh yeah big difference" Trixie said seriously, rolling her eyes. Katya couldn't help but smirk, her annoyance dissapating. It was really hard to stay mad at her.

"I asked her to dance, too" the Australian girl piped up, sipping her own drink.

"Oh yeah, that too" Trixie agreed, "I do have an excuse"

"I love that you forgot" Katya teased, again smiling like an idiot. It was involuntary the way she smiled around her, her energy was infectious. Then the implications of what had just been said caught up.

"Was your dancing so bad that it made her throw up?" Katya asked, regretting the joke as soon as it left her lips. The girl furrowed her brow, smiling unconvincingly. Katya glanced back at Trixie, grateful that at least she found it funny. Her smile was such a contrast to her default expression. It was a contagious, playful smile that Katya was definitely more than a little fond of.

"I'm just a lightweight, Courtney was a pretty good dancer actually" Trixie interjected into the mildy tense air that hung after Katya's low key jab.

"I'd like to see it" Katya smirked, blinking hard as she tried to shift focus of her eyes again onto the girl she now knew was called Courtney. She was a shorter stature that both Trixie and Katya (who both stood slightly taller than the average girl), with a stereotypically well crafted body that God only gave to his favourites. Her face was a similar story, with elegant, symmetrical features and naturally tan skin. Katya was instantly jealous.
The girls expression was difficult to read, but then again Katya literally couldn't see, so that probably didn't help.

"KATYA?" Adores voice yelled from outside the door, making them all jump.

"YES?" Katya screamed back.


Katya chaotically stumbled up, giggling like a madman as she opened the door. The blue haired girl walked sensually to the toilet, pushing Trixie back by the forehead and vomiting in a similarly attractive fashion.
Trixie and Katya burst out laughing, with the Australian girl cracking a smile.

"This is so fucking stupid" Trixie said, holding her sides from the stitch she'd caught, "Why is everyone so ill"

"I am gonna kill the weed queen when I find her" Adore slurred, lying down on the tiles and groaning.

"She left like 20 minutes ago" Courtney piped up, "She texted me to say 'the deed is done' "

"You're lying" Adore replied deliriously. "You know her?"

"Yeah, we're family friends"

"I'm jealous, I wish I was friends with such an icon" Adore sighed, blissfully ignoring the key part of what had just been said (a very common Adore trait).

"It was intentional, then?" Trixie asked, taking the slowly developed words right out of Katya's mouth.

"Uh, I don't think so" Courtney replied, "I think it was initially a mistake but she's decided to roll with it now"

"A pretty weird thing to be proud of-"

"What's the time, Trix?" Courtney asked, cutting off Katya. She ignored it, assuming that she probably hadn't heard.

"It's...fuck me it's nearly 3am" Trixie answered with surprise, blinking hard at her phone.

We'd better get going then" Courtney informed the pink curls, taking her by the hand as she rose clumsily to her feet.

"Where are you going?" Katya asked eventually, catching Trixie in the doorway as they were leaving.

She turned to Katya and winked, which took far longer to register in Katya's brain that it otherwise would have. Trixie picked up on her confusion and giggles.

"You're so gone, it's adorable" She teased, "I'll catch you tomorrow if you're around?"


And then she was gone.

Katya and Adore sat in mutually dizzy silence, neither really present. Adore was probably off thinking of some stupid philosophical tweet she could post, or trying to remember if she'd left the heating on. Katya, however, wasn't following her usual stupid thought train. She was sat replaying the events of the bathroom, a feeling of jealousy slowly seeping with every passing second.

At least it confirms that she's gay? She thought, the silver lining she'd grasped for turning up as more of a dull grey.

"I'm too high to laugh" Adore slurred suddenly, rolling over to stare at Katya with her glazed eyes, "but I think you should know that was fucking hilarious"




Okay so, a couple things.

First, I'm sorry this took so long, school work has got me fucked up right now lmao.

And second, I've gone back to part 3 to add context to this development. I had a vague outline of the plot going in, with key details being sorted. I knew I wanted a foil to their relationship, but I wasn't entirely sure who it would be. So now that I've decided, I realise I haven't exactly set up this dynamic. So go read part 3 up to the point where Trixie and Katya meet if you haven't. I'm a professional, as you can clearly see.

Anyway, thanks for your patience, I've finally dragged past this part and can get to what I actually have planned 😀😀😀.

token punk ~ trixya college/roommates auWhere stories live. Discover now